Why do you post at FOH?


The OP is a real thinker!

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Stan Rice was an atheist, and Anne Rice is arguably the most influential vampire and occult author since Bram Stoker. Can"t it be possible that she only faked a return to Christianity long enough to write her series about the life of Jesus Christ?

Entertain the idea for a minute. As a non-Christian, Jesus Christ is the one supernatural figure she could not write about without facing the ire of a large segment of readers. While writing it, she worked with theologians from the Catholic church -- which she seems to deeply respect and admire for the beauty of its art, churches, and mythology (Catholics have some ideas that go way beyond the Christian canon at large).

In pretending to be Christian and penning those novels, she not only opened the door to non-Christians to appreciate Jesus Christ as a character and his life as a story, but in later denouncing her Christianity she has demonstrated conclusively that one may be atheist while both understanding and admiring Jesus beyond any level most "Christians" ever attempt.

I"d say the move back to overt atheism is part honesty and part a message written by example rather than word. Anne Rice is awed by the imagination of humanity and obviously is deeply enthralled by concepts of immortality and supernatural / preternatural abilities. So, she found a way to share that with the world via perhaps the most well-known fictional supernatural character of all time.

I"ll take the opportunity to add that her genius is not in her ability to write about such characters, but rather in her ability to make them seem so human and to make their stories so personal. I can think of no better author to study when it comes to writing about people.

Gnostici comments on Anne Rice came to her senses.

The Foler_sl

Tenks, my Database wants to think you, you literally gave it the equivalent to a cocaine party in the playboy mansion with pamela anderson

The Foler_sl

You should read his myspace, he puts more of that bullshit philosophical, look at me Im smart but everyone knows Im not really smart, shit on it.


Requiem said:
Just for the record,

She uploaded all of those images and more to her own private album here on FoH yesterday, apparently staged for release. Only admins could see them and Tyen noticed them and pointed them out to me. I was in such shock that I just decided we should do nothing, and just watch. Galiem apparently caught wind of this train wreck sometime today because the albums got deleted around the same time there was edits to posts by Galiem and our new guest.
That makes it all the more hilariously awesome and it bears repeating.


Potato del Grande
I love how these

# (FOH) Why do You Post at FoH
# (FOH) Boobs for Votes

are the only 2 threads going atm


Requiem said:
Just for the record,

She uploaded all of those images and more to her own private album here on FoH yesterday, apparently staged for release. Only admins could see them and Tyen noticed them and pointed them out to me. I was in such shock that I just decided we should do nothing, and just watch. Galiem apparently caught wind of this train wreck sometime today because the albums got deleted around the same time there was edits to posts by Galiem and our new guest.
Holy hell.

I mean holy hell.

The Foler_sl


I usually don"t like to let my Database free to have some are but you guys have made be proud.

Shellies trying to hide, changing her last name n stuff so she doesnt show up in searches
Shelly Coole | Facebook
She also made her facebook profile private now lawl, not that it matters I got all the info and she only had one friend, GALIEM LOL

Nice try trying to hide your myspace, try harder
MySpace - www.myspace.com/395958943

Heres Galiems myspace
Jeremy | MySpace

Heres some gold from his myspace, incase he decides to lock that bad boy up
Well, life happens. And it"s usually followed by, "Stepped in what?" If you"re reading here to find out about me...

I"m a spiritual veteran (but not a veteran spirit) who loves obscure music with symphonic elements, a maybe-aspiring film actor (I"d love it, but have to seriously assess the commitment), a reformed physics and math major (12 Quanta Program lol), and such an affection junkie and faithful believer in love that some would call me massochistic. Funny how anything one believes in, one also questions the existence of...

...but enough about me. Let"s talk about you. Dear lord! Clean your monitor! My boy"s picture looks like it has... is that spagetti-o"s sauce? ...on his shoes? Really, now!

Anyway, if you"ve come here to learn more than this about me, you might, but it won"t be much. If you"ve come here to get links, they"re in the Heroes section. If you"ve come here to reposses this space, tell the bank I swear I"m good for it. That"s about it

Read more:Jeremy | MySpace

Oh, sigh. Ponder. Reflect. What to put here? I"ve seen so many good movies, but it"s hard to pinpoint the ones that truly taught me a meaningful lesson about life, represent my perspective on something well, or are just plain fun enough. Hmm...

Okay. Deep breath, and...

V for Vendetta
The Game (with Richard Gere)
Interview with the Vampire
Queen of the Damned
Anything with Jason Statham


You know, there should be more. There probably are more, but you can"t expect a guy to think of them all at once! Sheesh! What do you think this is? (What? This is Myspace? Aww, crud, I thought this wasreddit.com: what"s new online!(shameless plug for a great site!)). Yes, that was a nested parenthesis. Bow to my power!,
When I see the category "Television, " first I shudder and then I think of a few things all at once:

1. People "vegging out" to mindless entertainment with about as much substance as ether vapor.

2. Entire generations of families who never speak to eachother.

3. People who think that anything on t.v. actually presents a whole, unbiased truth about anything. Really, now. Is the world so flat that it can be covered in thirty to sixty minutes?

4. The shows I actually would like to never miss.

Now, don"t get me wrong, some shows I haven"t watched really but enjoyed the one or two episodes I saw (nod, House). I don"t think the shows in this list are the only good ones. I just don"t spend enough time watching t.v. to know many good ones. Now for the list...

Family Guy, Futurama, Robot Chicken (when they were still making good, new episodes, though yeah -- it IS kinda dumb but it"s on purpose and that"s the point!), and... Well, that"s about it. No, really; that"s it. Television executives should be pretty upset about this whole Internet thing!,

Read more:Jeremy | MySpace

About me:
The blurb below doesn"t explain the "realist" part really. Realistically, the glass is neither half full nor half empty; it"s twice as big as it needs to be. Realistically, I have let people down before, I do talk a lot if I"m comfortable enough around you (but I can listen too!). Also, the realist part has its limits too. I call them "human flaws". Though perfect emotionless spockdom might be easier (maybe even wiser), it"s not so easy to achieve. One other thing about that blurb below: I try not to be demanding but do try to be honest about what I think and feel.

Read more:Jeremy | MySpace


Foler said:
Girl in OP is gaeliems former wife, she was before shugley
So why is Shelly reporting the original posts containing pics of his former wife? And in the comments of her reported posts she"s saying "I don"t want nude pics of myself on the internet. This is harassment!"?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Cause she probably wanted us to remove them. She reported them a couple of hours before she posted, too.


Wow, Jeremy seems like an insufferable douchebag.

You know, there should be more. There probably are more, but you can"t expect a guy to think of them all at once! Sheesh! What do you think this is? (What? This is Myspace? Aww, crud, I thought this was reddit.com: what"s new online! (shameless plug for a great site!)). Yes, that was a nested parenthesis. Bow to my power!,
Nothing you do in life can ever redeem you for writing this paragraph. Just fucking kill yourself.


Wasn"t Jeremy Grobbee"s name too, or am I misremembering?

If so, anyone else who has that name should change it immediately.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Yeah his irl name was Jeremy too.
Tarrant220 said:
I"d abort myself too if I knew that vag was my gateway into the world.
its ok bro shes getting a c-section!

Well after awhile her vagina will take shape to your dick but it will take awhile because she has kids. This is one of the reason why I am not having birth. I am having a C-selection.
shelly6ss comments on First time I"ve had sex with a girl who has had children. It is quite roomy down there and I can"t feel much. HELP!

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
So what the fuck? She like stumbles upon her births this god awful abomination on us all and then strolls on out? I seriously want to know what in the hell was going on in her mind when she decided to bump this thread.

I know the whole story god damnit, I want to know what caused the train wreck not just see it!

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I guess she deleted her fb mid conversation . Guess her feeble mind could not comprehend the blowback from one little post;