Really, this is a rise of "modern" feminism and increased homosexuality. JBP states this overly bluntly and gets roasted for it, and gives zero fucks to explain it if you do not understand it... so I'll delve a little deeper.
icels are a response to the public and outward "cry" of feminism. "If only guys did X" or "men must act like Y" - us normies know this as, girls say they want a good man, but fuck all the bad boys while friend zoning the good picks till their egg drop timer is running out... you know, feckless cunts.
So, take being "that good guy" to extreme - they work out a bunch because the Jabba the hut purple hair slugs tell them they should, they get education and jobs, because that's what women want. Yet they "are interested in" the audience of femanatzis and closed lesbians - so they are constantly rejected, but - not as stated above, rejected in a useful way - but rejected by these loud and proud that can only reject them via lies stacked on their lies.
I have done what you said! Why do you reject me?
I act the way you say you want! Why do you reject me?
I am successful in the manner you said you deemed worthy! Why do you reject me?
- well, because females generally never SAY what they REALLY want - famcunts and their ilk are 99999% x WORSE at this - so it compounds and compounds the issue.
Monogamy and the nuclear family is the best overall method of successful relationships, fulfillment and overall contentment - yet our society - escalating starting with the gay movement, and slippery sloping all the way to the SJW and LGBQTFGRTYIJHGFDSASD movement - this includes almost all "progressive" movements - heck BLM has it LISTED as an objective. Not just the desire to have other fam structures "accepted" no, the DESTRUCTION of nuclear fam stucture...
Also, men are at fault for falling for the hot chick's that are done fucking everything that moves and finally wants to "settle down" in their 30's...or 40's -- stop, date with the objective of marriage - get married, have kids - raise the family together as a nuclear group.
And yes, track the trends back enough, track the "reasons" and it is... sex outside marriage acceptance. Salt me, barf me - but it is really the root ideology behind all the progressive steps toward a Rome-esqu destruction and fall. Re: camilia pagala (sp?) She talks about it well.