Wii U Advice ( yeah I went there )


So this year I am actually considering getting the Wii U over the other consoles. Mainly because when I had the xbox 360 it became an over glorified Netflix box. I had a few questions for those of you that actually have the console.

1. ) How is online play IF I decided to relive my COD days?
2. ) How well does Netflix and other apps run on the device? AKA should I use this or just buy a roku.
3. ) How much do I actually have to use the smaller screen and does it become annoying?

I really appreciate any help and please offer any experience you have with the device be it good or bad. Thanks guys!


I dont do much online stuff on mine so I cant comment on question 1. Question 2, does Netflix really vary that much from device to device? I wouldnt expect a Roku to stream netflix any better/worse than a Wii U or any other console. As for the third, the screen isnt horrible to use and some titles let you dictate how much you use it, in fact for some games it's pretty handy to have.

Wind Waker for example uses the small screen for your inventory management, maps etc so you never have to break into the actual gameplay to access stuff. Having a full dungeon map available at a glance rather than switching from the game to a separate screen makes playing more fluid.

The Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate game gives you the option of having all pertinent information appear on the small screen, leaving your television completely clean of clutter. Health bars, stamina, items, maps etc all are on the small screen which in this case is kinda annoying. Having to glance down at the controller just to see how much health you have was a poor idea, taking your eyes off an enemy in that game can be devastating. I went with the regular HUD layout for it (map/health on main screen, inventory on the small screen).

There's a slight learning curve when you first pick one up, but it doesnt take long to get used to.

edit - all that said I like my Wii U, but I love my Ps4, if you have a choice, buy one of those instead, you will be happier in the long run.


Really appreciate the fast response. What about games? Lets say If I have to pick up 5 "must haves" for the console what would they be? Keep in mind I am already getting the new mario game, zelda that comes with it, and COD Ghost. I love most genres =).


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
1. ) How is online play IF I decided to relive my COD days?
I have not played any games with an online mode such as CoD. So I cannot comment on this one. From everythign I hear it works fine. What I do like is the social aspect to the MiiVerse. When playing games like SMB3D you can leave messages for folks in the game, etc.

2. ) How well does Netflix and other apps run on the device? AKA should I use this or just buy a roku.
Netflix works fine. You will also be able to watch Netflix on your gamepad. Only problem is the range is about 30 feet since it is Bluetooth, so you will not have full range across the house. It also has Hulu and Amazon. If you are buying this anyway, you may as well use it over a Roku unless you need more channels. A Roku comes with a lot more. Personally, I have an Apple TV which works fine for me. If I want to watch Amazon Prime I just switch into another console. With that said, I don't use this device to stream TV. Although it can be used. I am using my PS4 for that now, and Apple TV upstairs.

[3. ) How much do I actually have to use the smaller screen and does it become annoying?
It is a mixed bag. For some games, it's used really well, like Rayman Legends. For other games when it is used to inventory and what not, it can get a little tedious. Like with Zombie U. The controller itself is also a pain for me because I am used to the XBYA buttons being in different spots. For games like SMB3D it doesn't matter.

With that said, if you are purchasing a new console, it depends on what you will want to play. Aside from Rayman Legends, SMB3DW, Zelda Wind Waker HD, MH3, and possibly Zombie U - there isn't a lot out there. I personally never liked Wonderful 101's demo so I never purchased that.

You may want to get a 3DS

I would definitely recommend Rayman Legends, MH3.


What Ut said is pretty spot on regarding the must-haves, but Id probably suggest getting the New SMBU and Luigi U as well. Both are pretty good and will entertain you a bit.

The Wii U is pretty limited in it's back catalog and will probably continue to be fairly slim pickings for new titles as time goes on, especially once developers stop making cross-gen games and begin developing exclusively for the PS4/Xbone in coming years (hence my "buy a ps4 comment
). There may continue to be ports but they will be far inferior. You will always have the Nintendo first party stuff though which is worth playing even though it's recycled ad naeuseum.


Molten Core Raider
If you never had a Wii and like JRPGs, there is some great games to play on the Wii U, Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story specifically.

Using the Gamepad to watch Netflix/Twitch (on the Internet Browser, which is by far the best console browser) with headphones while someone else is using the TV is really awesome too. It can basically act as an HTML5 enabled iPad. No other console can offer that experience.