This is worrisome to me, well worrisome is not the exact sentiment I feel currently because I have pretty much lost any respect or expectations that WildStar will be "hardcore" and have more than the one launch 40 man because it is reminiscent of SOE and EQNext and that whole rigamarole of dancing around a hardcore base's expectations, heralding the super badass hardcore buzzwords and then launching headfirst into Landmark.
Isn't that what WildStar is doing? Dancing around an ostensibly hardcore 40 man raid endgame fan base while simultaneously handing out a trickle of buzz generating twitch and game website magazine beta keys all the while ignoring their base hardcore fans that have been signed up for beta since 2011?
I chalk it up to another industry game using the hardcore buzz words and label while, yet again, not having the balls to do it.
Some one is eventually and they are going to rake in the cash. Just look at the recent huge influx to EVE online. Imagine that with a high fantasy third person avatar game and not some abstract spaceship avatar game.
We have millions of WoW players and their ilk that have had their hand held for nine years and many that have grown past puberty and graduated high school and college and are ready to play a more difficult game in the genre.