First dungeon is level 20 but you can enter it at 17 - everyones level gets set to 20 on entry. Once you are level 20 you can be summoned to it and once you've entered it for the first time you you can (either solo or as a party) can use dungeon finder to enter it from anywhere.First dungeons start at 17, right?
Get a premade and queue battlegrounds. They are the best exp in the game right now for wins. I wanted to work on leveling my trade skills so I opted out of the guild group. We all hit 10 around the same time. I dropped group to quest and gather resources while they continued to pvp. When I hit 15, the guys I was grouped with were 18. Winning matches is so much exp right now it's uh, i dont think anyone replied. What are you PVPers queueing for exp while leveling?
FFXIV was more then a month for me but i leveled all the classes to max since you could do it on the same toon. I think Wildstar will be good for 3 months minimum as the dungeons are around the same difficulty that Rift initially shipped with. For me it has the potential to be a very long lasting MMO as I have a bunch of RL friends playing. Even with out them though there is a lot of content and the content spans all different play styles (raids, dungeons, pvp, housing etc.)So I see a lot of posts saying this is great as a theme park MMO and I'm trying to figure out why? Because I saw literally the same exact thing said when FFXIV came out in September (outside of billing issues) and even that only lasted a month. Is that just the expectation now, it's great but will only last a month?
you didn't see the rollercoaster and hotdog stands?So I see a lot of posts saying this is great as a theme park MMO and I'm trying to figure out why? Because I saw literally the same exact thing said when FFXIV came out in September (outside of billing issues) and even that only lasted a month. Is that just the expectation now, it's great but will only last a month?
yeah. I noticed this in beta. I've run healers in pretty much every mmo. FUUUUUUCK, that noise here. With everyone dodging aoe... actually landing targeted heals is a giant pain in the ass.Yesterday I got to kill a low level world boss with my guild, 20 people, it was a glorious fucking mess and raid healing has definitely reached a new level of frustration: not only people don't move out of the fire, now they can move away from the heals, so a healer has to play a game of "guess where the fuck they'll be" when the heal is actually released. I play Esper for reference and tried to use Soothe a lot.
I noticed medics can cover some large areas and it's not so devastatingly difficult to stay at a closer range, sucks that I don't dig the class more or I'd jump ship right away. Narrow telegraph healing is bad, but on the other hand I got Mind over Body for targeted healing, which is good provided you can stomach the focus cost and grab a target quickly on the standard raid UI (I saw Grid in the Curse UI mods list, may get it tonight, default raid frames are bad).
Much of this was due to disorganization, not being used to the gameplay, etc. but holy shit, what a mess. At least we got the kill in a 10 minutes fight, that was quite epic indeed. I gotta study more the healing dynamics, in a party doing the adventure it was quite fun and except for a guy who insisted on taking a shitload of damage for no reason, I managed to get in the groove quite quickly. For being low level crap it's definitely a step up in difficulty, no hand holding in this game, mobs like to brutalize the whole party on a regular basis.
Not sure if I'll stick with healing, it's still a bit too UI intensive with info scattered around the screen, my eyes were literally dancing to check psi points, focus, raid frames to see if raid or tank needed special attention, cooldowns, telegraphs to avoid, etc. maybe it's a matter of UI mods and stuff.
One thing is certain, I'm addicted. 100% addicted.
EDIT: I got a question, maybe you can help. Do you know if there is a trivial loot code of some sort? I think some guys forgot to mentor down to a level near the boss and we got jack and shit for loot, but maybe that's just the way it is, aka no loot. Also, what's the deal with Galaxy Meter and the ingame stat recap at the end of the fight? Different healing values, etc. didn't match at all. Recap said I had 231k healing done, Galaxy said I had 180k and 90% of this was overhealing (which to be honest is quite unlikely, we had 4 healers and one wasn't very good, in fact he was, more often than not, very dead).
These elites (indicated with a red outline) out in the field are worth several % more during the "kill X" quests. This game rewards you for fighting tougher enemies during these quest. Typically killing one of the normal mobs may yield 1-3% of the completion whereas the elites could yield 6-15% of the completion. Generally if you're running with a group, or in an area grinding with multiple people you can finish the quest faster by pulling these guys. I've never seen any of them drop better loot though.Same deal with most of the named mobs, without quests tied to them. You know the ones, that have 10-20times the hp of everything else in the area. mobs have 3k hp, named one has 65k. I don't really know their purpose. They don't seem to drop loot or anything.