Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Trump's Staff
Meh, I think if SE released a turn based, open world Final Fantasy game with a half decent story tha gaming industry would collectively cream their pants.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Still struggling to understand your point. Combat, engaging or otherwise, doesn't determine the quality or relevance of an MMORPG.

Perhaps you are right in that fans of EQs heavy downtime style will never again get to experience that style of combat - but that doesn't mean it was bad. All it means is that current development trends have decided there isn't a market for it. Is that a wise assessment? I'm not so sure.
Combat doesn't solely determine the quality of an MMO, but it plays a big part. EverQuest felt more like a glorified chatroom at times because of the combat mechanics and pacing.

And obviously EverQuest combat being "bad" is my own personal opinion. Didn't really think I had to qualify that statement.


Mr. Poopybutthole
When it comes to things like personal preference? Not at all. I find EverQuests combat to be outdated and boring, but I do concede that it's certainly possible forsomeoneto enjoy it regardless.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The dungeons are fairly linear, and like all MMO except EQ1 there is little to no communication. EQ1 had downtime that's why people talked we had nothing else to do...every single MMO since has had zero communication except to explain boss fights. It's no different here.
I wish MMOs would move away from this model for dungeons. I understand the desire to have dungeons have a point and backstory, but there has to be a way to make them objective-based without turning them all into what essentially is linear corridors with little-to-no exploration. One of the things I always really enjoyed with EverQuest's dungeons was that I could go to one several nights in a row and see a completely different area each time. With dungeons nowadays, you either see the same thing every time you do a dungeon or are given a choice of which linear path you want to do (which isn't much different), both of which are poor dungeon design in my opinion. I'd even be happy with something more akin to how Lost Dungeons of Norrath worked.


Silver Squire
Of course you can design good dungeons and even have good back story. Its just easier to throw together an on rails corridor experience than it is to make a sprawling dungeon people might want to spend a couple of days in exploring.


Love this shot from one of the videos.
If I didn't know that screenshot was from Wildstar I would've guessed it was taken from some game that was 10 or 15 years old.

(I guess I fall in the realism camp of the realism/cartoon graphics debate)


Molten Core Raider
Art style reminds me of Torchlight 2. In fact the entire game makes me think of an MMO-ized version of Torchlight 2.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
And torchlight 2 was only enjoyed by teeny bopping faggots, right Quaid? Where ya at big dog?


Trump's Staff
And torchlight 2 was only enjoyed by teeny bopping faggots, right Quaid? Where ya at big dog?
Actually, I don't recall ever saying anything about the art style. Actually, I kinda dig it. It's like a more refined version of WoW's environments, which i always enjoyed.

What I have always had a problem with is the game's atmosphere, or more specifically, the atmosphere presented by their promotional materials.

Again though, let your ridiculous fanboism cloud every judgement you make about the game, including it seems, your reading comprehension!


<Gold Donor>
If I didn't know that screenshot was from Wildstar I would've guessed it was taken from some game that was 10 or 15 years old.

(I guess I fall in the realism camp of the realism/cartoon graphics debate)
Realistic cartoons are better than stylized cartoons!

It's merely about preference and has nothing to do with some innate superiority.

The art style drives the culture of the game and intentionally gels with the storyline, but ultimately the gameplay is what holds people. If Wildstar is a fun game, the art style falls into the background, especially in the MMORPG genre.

This argument is like saying FFVII sucks and Skyrim rules, because it's art style is more realistic... WTF?


<Gold Donor>
Actually, I don't recall ever saying anything about the art style. Actually, I kinda dig it. It's like a more refined version of WoW's environments, which i always enjoyed.

What I have always had a problem with is the game's atmosphere, or more specifically, the atmosphere presented by their promotional materials.

Again though, let your ridiculous fanboism cloud every judgement you make about the game, including it seems, your reading comprehension!


Trump's Staff
All one really has to do is look at the general quality of discussion in this thread to get a sample of what Wildstar's community is probably going to offer.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
All one really has to do is look at the general quality of discussion in this thread to get a sample of what Wildstar's community is probably going to offer.
What MMO thread here that isn't released has quality discussion? I seem to have missed that thread.