Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Avatar of War Slayer
How does spellslinger end up being over populated if DPS is bad? You mean healing spellslingers? I didn't really like their innate anyway, shit's annoying to use, you turn it on off on off on off all the fucking time for only specific spells, it's clunky as all fuck. Originally it was charge based and powered the next skill only but then they changed it into a bar and it's a fuckton worse. Might be hybrid charge based now since the UI shows 4 thingies but I haven't played since so don't know.
oh, I worded that really badly. Must have been distracted.

Super fun at low levels. fast run and gun. Nice dive/stun.
Good/great dps 1-30.

Apparently raid dps is complete shit. the worst dps class. How that happens, I do not know. I didn't get that high. But the forums, are talking bout it, with combat logs showing spellslingers basically dead last for dps. Dps medics, out dps, dps spellslingers.
So, lots of people want to play them... but they won't be very desired at max level it seems.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well I think somewhere they mentioned adding open-world pvp objectives.
PvP oriented people will be grinding gear and meet teams in Battlegrounds, Arenas and Warplot. That's where most PvP will happen at launch, and adding world objectives AFTER release won't do much. Also they didn't mention anything about them working on world PvP objectives at all, you can read itthere. Just my opinion, but if you bought Wildstar with open world PvP in mind, you're gonna have a bad time : you'll spend your time ganking farmers / casuals in leveling zones while "PvP oriented people" will be flashing their telegraphs against each others in instanced PvP, where it will matter.


BTW anyone have any good info on how far up the Z (up) axis reaches on telegraphs?

When I was playing early watermarked alpha, you could double jump on top of a telegraph ,and nothing would affect you.

I haven't tested that to see if it's changed, but I'm sure it has.


Log Wizard
In closed beta the Z axis worked up, but not down. So you couldn't stand on a bridge and nuke people below you. I don't recall how high above you it would reach, but I'd hope they'd keep the radius matched to double jump height AT LEAST.

The PVP link was from a year ago. I just checked an AMA from a month ago and they had this to say,

"For open world PvP, we intentionally did not place much emphasis on open world PvP since we wanted to find where players naturally gravitated and what PvE content encouraged fighting. Post launch, we'll take this knowledge to potentially enhance these areas."

Seems like that means they probably don't have a big fucking system planned, but if they see everyone goes to X zone to pvp at 50 they'll add power-towers or whatever the fuck people think is a good pvp objective. I don't want to hear "WHAR IS DARKNEZZ FALLZ" yet. I expect that soon though.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I remember them in Naxx but not in early MC.
You don't remember Chromaguss's abilities being tuned almost exclusively around the decursive mod? It sucked having to fight him at the broodlord door. Also watching the z-axis sploit on the ramp to double-drakes was hilarious for Chromaggus. I think we even had a custom Nef addon.

Since this is the wildstar thread anyway, did anyone see like some census of classes played and shit? I'm trying to figure out what to play, I kinda like stalker and esper but I wouldn't mind playing any of the other 2 healers, think there's gonna be a shortage of a specific healer class or one that will be needed more than the others in terms of how many you bring to raids?
Not sure what to play. Is there going to be a forum guild? I might broforce it up with some friends elsewhere (hopefully the same server).


what Suineg set it to
Is there a concise video/post that goes over how each class plays at higher level for their respective specs? It's difficult to draw a bead on how the abilities scale in practice and how AMPs might affect play-style.


A Man Chooses....
So I played to 15 or so. Couple of questions. First, when do you get the ability to hotswitch your amps? Second, any good sites of in-depth discussion about builds and such? It's very much WoW it seems like but it looks to be fun for a bit.


Trakanon Raider
Not sure what to play. Is there going to be a forum guild? I might broforce it up with some friends elsewhere (hopefully the same server).
A decent chunk of us have been playing Dominion on Nexus. We've got about 20 people that are interested and we'll be making a guild come launch but for the time being we're not really organized. Seems like we have a crazy amount of Stalkers/Spellsingers compared to everything else so far.


A Man Chooses....
Reading back a few pages there seems to be a lot of scorn directed at the telegraph system. I'd like to give an opposing view. The thing that ended MMO raiding for me was Hammerknell in Rift, in that it was the straw that broke the camel's back with regards to hoop jumping scripted horseshit. I've always preferred a mob that just has a variety of different skills it can use, with maybe a few specific stages, where you have to react to the mob rather than an entirely scripted fight. I hate with a fucking passion the paint by numbers shit that is modern MMO raid design. Hammerknell was just full if that shit, If this game brings back a reactionary style of gameplay rather than a predictive one where the entire fucking accomplishment is getting your trained monkeys to dance just so every time I may play it for more than a month. If it's more of the same I am done with that shit forever. They are presenting this telegraph system as a way to de-script the encounters and add more randomness to the encounter without making it impossible to counterplay. We'll see how it goes.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Reading back a few pages there seems to be a lot of scorn directed at the telegraph system. I'd like to give an opposing view. The thing that ended MMO raiding for me was Hammerknell in Rift, in that it was the straw that broke the camel's back with regards to hoop jumping scripted horseshit. I've always preferred a mob that just has a variety of different skills it can use, with maybe a few specific stages, where you have to react to the mob rather than an entirely scripted fight. I hate with a fucking passion the paint by numbers shit that is modern MMO raid design. Hammerknell was just full if that shit, If this game brings back a reactionary style of gameplay rather than a predictive one where the entire fucking accomplishment is getting your trained monkeys to dance just so every time I may play it for more than a month. If it's more of the same I am done with that shit forever. They are presenting this telegraph system as a way to de-script the encounters and add more randomness to the encounter without making it impossible to counterplay. We'll see how it goes.

Though I am playing RIFT again, I kinda vanished from the FOH guild because of those raids. Never did Hammerknell, I just loathed the new expansion raids. I think the last nail in the coffin for me was some twin fight, where after 10 minutes of drudgery, when they were at like 5%, they did ACTION_A and 4 people in the raid who were designated ahead of time had to perfectly maneuver COUNTER_ACTION_B. We wiped. Lots.

I knew that kind of raiding was over for me when I had more fun with my RL To do list than raiding :p


Lord Nagafen Raider
they are not hard once people get it in their head that standing in red=bad and that they have to interrupt hostile casts
Although this entirely accurate it should be said that the "red" in this game comes fast, furious and often. You could get away with being lazy about moving out of the red in WoW but in some places in WS dungeons you need to be already moving out of the red and in some case you need to know that one telegraph often means a far worse one lined up behind it. So leads to a combination of staying out of the red but also learning to recognize the different types of telegraph patterns.

Yes this means you'll be staring at your feet for patterns until you learn the fights well enough to anticipate. and just enjoy the ride.


Musty Nester
You need to know the scripts beforehand in order to do them. Which means that there ARE learning runs. Which is fine. It's nice in a way. But they're so tight that you don't learn by doing. You learn by failing. Over and over and over. I like the dungeons, but I seriously question having to watch a youtube video of someone else doing the dungeon beforehand... I mean you have to do homework to play the game? Cause that's what it feels like, and that's how it's gonna play out. It seems like that could be handled better.

The community is going to shit all over learning runs. They're gonna tell you to "go watch uplay, fggt". And that's if they're nice. More likely you'll just get votekicked or the group will disband. It's not specific to wildstar or at all. You're gonna have dudes forming "goldrun only" groups who have never even done the zone. You'll have groups fall apart very quickly at the first challenge. You're not going to be able to do your learning runs very well in pugs. Which is no different than any other game in the past 10 years and not Carbines fault. I dunno why the shills expect that there's going to be something magical and unique about Wildstar players and their admirable patience. Especially when carbine is specifically targeting WoW players, who are most commonly noted for their absolute lack of patience.

But where some people think it will make the community "tight" or whatever hopeful inanity they use they're wrong. It will make the game tedious and frustrating if you try to pug it. Either play a healer and form your own groups or make friends quick.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
"For open world PvP, we intentionally did not place much emphasis on open world PvP since we wanted to find where players naturally gravitated and what PvE content encouraged fighting. Post launch, we'll take this knowledge to potentially enhance these areas."

Seems like that means they probably don't have a big fucking system planned, butif they see everyone goes to X zone to pvp at 50 they'll add power-towers or whatever the fuck people think is a good pvp objective.I don't want to hear "WHAR IS DARKNEZZ FALLZ" yet. I expect that soon though.
Yeah that's not gonna happen in a game with heavy instanced PvP modes like Arena, Battleground and Warplot modes. People go PvP where is matters (rewards, competition, etc). Hoping for them to do PvP where there is no PvP features sounds like a dull plan, and will be anecdotal at best. Besides, last time I checked the best PvP gear was obtainable in Warplot. "LFM WARPLOT PST" will be spammed to death.


they are not hard once people get it in their head that standing in red=bad and that they have to interrupt hostile casts
Did you miss the part of his post which said "pug"?

The only question about theinevitabledifficulty nerf will be whether it's before or after this goes F2P - i.e. do they frame it as "please stop quitting we're listening to you now!" or "Please come back!"


Lord Nagafen Raider
But where some people think it will make the community "tight" or whatever hopeful inanity they use they're wrong. It will make the game tedious and frustrating if you try to pug it. Either play a healer and form your own groups or make friends quick.
I think you're correct and I kinda fear that situation, I hope to find some like minded people as soon as possible. Puggers like in WoW makes me cry.