I'm not going bald so i dont know how it feels, but at some point in your life getting bald isnt the worst thing in the world. i have a friend who went bald when he was in his early 20s, he wore a hat all the time. like i never seen him without a hat til one time he asked me to take him to court to fight some ticket and they made him take his hat off. i wasnt in the court room yet and i was trying to find where the fuck he was sitting, wasnt a big room. then i hear. "chuk, over here" i look around, shit, where was he. then i hear "right here, dummy" and holy fuck, he was right next to me. was like a Scooby Doo mask reveal. dude looked completely different. that must suck being young and bald. but when you get in your 40s and 50s? eh just shave your head and go with it. i guess if you got a weird shaped head, then it still sucks, but i dunno its not as important anymore. for a woman, thats probably the same way, at 50, just put a wig on, chicks put wigs on even when not going bald.