demi moore was married 3 times. her prior husband was Bruce Willis.
Will has emotional/ego shit. I'm all for him losing it moreLol I don’t know if it’s been said yet, but apparently a nickname going around for Smith is “Hancuck”
thats a nothingburger, typical hollywood interview fluff.Oh and black people are apparently turning on Zoe Kravitz or something
Why is Twitter calling Zoë Kravitz a predator?
Following her criticism of Will Smith's actions at the Oscars, 'The Batman's Zoë Kravitz is now at the center of internet
get out!
Imagine doing nothing after your marquee guest physically assaults someone on a live broadcast in an incredibly absurd manner.Imagine trying to evict someone who doesn't want to be evicted during a live television broadcast of the most prestigious awards ceremony on earth.