That guy
I didn't know she died and now I have clenis on the brain. Thanks.
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I wonder who writes this shit. "Notable roles?" Go look at her acting credits. It's literally all just 1 episode guest spots on TV shows.
it really doesnt, there are lots of loveless marriages and people typically stay together by staying apart. which is something that was happening here. Will does his stupid instagram videos of himself sleeping. he gets black man roles and they toss him occasional awards for being the black man in the black man role. and Jada does whatever the fuck she does. last time i saw her in something, she was trying to be Eartha Kitt in Gotham. why in the fuck she was doing that when she wasnt even playing Catwoman is a mystery. the two of them could have done this for forever and been ok. nobody would have known. but that bitch keeps taunting him and showing everyone that their marriage is a sham. i doubt the GI Jane joke was the catalyst for all this. something happened in 2016 that made her leave and have hostility for Will. and why he's a little bitch when she trashes him. maybe she had an agreement with him that when he got his Oscar, she could do whatever she wants.But why isn't she initiating divorce?
Is he holding her in the relationship as she'd get nothing given all the cheating proof?
But surely she can grift some cash from going on Oprah and has her own assets?
Is he blackmailing her? That would explain why she hates him so much.
None of this makes sense.
Let's give this a go:it really doesnt, there are lots of loveless marriages and people typically stay together by staying apart. which is something that was happening here. Will does his stupid instagram videos of himself sleeping. he gets black man roles and they toss him occasional awards for being the black man in the black man role. and Jada does whatever the fuck she does. last time i saw her in something, she was trying to be Eartha Kitt in Gotham. why in the fuck she was doing that when she wasnt even playing Catwoman is a mystery. the two of them could have done this for forever and been ok. nobody would have known. but that bitch keeps taunting him and showing everyone that their marriage is a sham. i doubt the GI Jane joke was the catalyst for all this. something happened in 2016 that made her leave and have hostility for Will. and why he's a little bitch when she trashes him. maybe she had an agreement with him that when he got his Oscar, she could do whatever she wants.
that about sounds right, maybe Will did have an affair with Margot Robbie and he got busted or worse confessed to it. then Jada fucked off but didnt officially leave him because her career is shit already and would be shittier if she started slinging shit at Will when he had a good reputation. now that he's ruined, she can trash him and it wont blow back in her face. still a hell of a way to go about it. just leave the bitch and take the loss. instead of ruin your entire brand and everyone hate you for being a colossal pussy.Let's give this a go:
1) Will cheats on Jada, she finds out which leads to the 2016 seperation.
2) They decide to stay together. For Will, he genuinely loves the mother of his children and regrets what he did, he wants to rebuild the marriage. For Jada, Will is one of the few A list actors and she gains a lot of status and career opportunities from being in his orbit - no oscars invite without him.
3) Jada is still pissed off and starts to publicly shame Will with her "infidelity". Resentment has built that she can't move on without wrecking her career and she has to deal with this guy trying to get back with her like a simp at family events with their children. She probably has a long term relationship which is adding strain to the arrangement.
I think I have all of the pieces in place here.
Will isn't admitting to the seperation because in his mind he is winning her back and it isn't over. He isn't emotionally stable in regards to her which led to the slap in an effort to simp her.
Jada wasn't admitting to the seperation to keep the A list status. She is admitting to it now because the slap got them uninvited from hollywood, the publicity is her exit strategy now. The charade is now over and she is going to divorce him.
Not in his case though, cause his wife will let him do whatever he wants.Will Smith is worth 350 million according to my exhaustive 3 seconds of searching.
I'm gonna go on record right here and say if you're worth 350 million and you put up with a bitch like this just to "keep half your assets" that makes you the biggest cuck of all. Bitch, lose half your assets and you still have way more money than you can possibly spend in the rest of your life. I'd have more respect for him if it really is some kind of cuckoldry humiliation fetish, at least then he'd get off on it.
Rich people, I mean rich in this category, are just straight up mentally ill.
Not a single thing about this situation is a "win" for Will Smith.This is win/win.
If you can cooperate to the point of having a sham marriage, you can cooperate to divide assets without a lawyer. There's no motive for Jada to go along with it or for Will to slap Chris Rock.Not in his case though, cause his wife will let him do whatever he wants.
It's not like he's super rich but if he's caught fooling around, his wife is going to leave him and take half. He's wife allegedly now doesn't give a shit. So why go through a divorce? Stay with her, live separately even (a la Meryl Streep and her husband, who apparently haven't lived together for 6 years and only now are getting divorced for God-knows-why). Fuck whoever you want in your bachelor pad. Get together for the kids sake.
This is win/win. You don't have to pay millions in lawyer fees. All your assets go to your children without having to worry about future wives/husbands/step children. You can fuck whoever you want without repercussion. All you have to do is "pretend" you are still married, which, up until Jada decided to make it all public, was going smoothly. Like, who cares if she's fucking someone else when you get to fuck whoever you want also? The biggest cuck would be someone who let's his wife fuck someone else, but he doesn't get to fuck others. That's being cucked; if you both get to fuck whoever you want, that's an open marriage.
Spike Lee Presents - The Sun Also RisesMaybe he's just going full method actor preparing for a new role we don't know about and Jada is just helping him.![]()
that about sounds right, maybe Will did have an affair with Margot Robbie and he got busted or worse confessed to it. then Jada fucked off but didnt officially leave him because her career is shit already and would be shittier if she started slinging shit at Will when he had a good reputation. now that he's ruined, she can trash him and it wont blow back in her face. still a hell of a way to go about it. just leave the bitch and take the loss. instead of ruin your entire brand and everyone hate you for being a colossal pussy.
it seems Will Smith and Margot Robbie were a thing in 2015 before Jada left him. her "entanglement with her son's friend happened in 2020?Again, this is only in the news because it's Will and Jada. You know nothing from his side. I already stated one win - he doesn't have to shell out millions to lawyers. We know nothing about Will's side. Another win is he might be fucking an army of Margot Robbie look-alikes without repercussion, we just don't know.
Now, if he really is cucked and he isn't fucking around, then yes, total loser. But if he gets to fuck whoever he wants and avoid a costly divorce? That's a win.
You would be surprised how many rich couples fall into this exact situation. They just aren't famous. They aren't in love with each other anymore, but they don't hate each other, so they adapt a "don't ask don't tell" policy of fucking around, but they stay together because the social circles they run in are important to them and they don't want to lose access.
Unless you mean super expensive prostitutes this isn't happening. Someone like Will Smith can't even go on a date with a woman without it showing up on TMZ. He's not living some playboy lifestyle unless it's 100% behind closed doors somehow (whores).Another win is he might be fucking an army of Margot Robbie look-alikes without repercussion, we just don't know.
Unless you mean super expensive prostitutes this isn't happening. Someone like Will Smith can't even go on a date with a woman without it showing up on TMZ. He's not living some playboy lifestyle unless it's 100% behind closed doors somehow (whores).
I don't need to know anything from his side. She has utterly humiliated him in public to a degree that would drive most self-respecting men to the brink of murder and his response has been to stand by her side and talk about how wonderful she is.You know nothing from his side.