I liked it, but hours later,,,, decided ..... enjoyable but got issues with it. Of Course I see this bumped a week later and I've forgot some of them. But it seemed to force a bit of preachy OMG the native womens thing, the main character dude getting all preachy on native land blah blah blah. The actual crime and mystery was great. I liked the setting and the gun battle was great and unusually good for this kind of film. Nit picky issues like him seemingly not checking on anyone but her, his stupid lever gun being the same from the jurassic world and in this one blowing people around like they got hit by a cannon......
Guy running like 50 feet and having lungs explode kinda silly too.
But again, enjoyable, and overall good. Like someone else said refreshing to be straightforward, coulda used maybe a little more intrigue, not just show a big flashback of who done it before they actually tangle with them.