So glad for that last line that Migi said. Whenever I hear people saying they are cleaning up the environment "for the earth", or because "mother nature is kind"--I always get rustled. No. Naturedoesn't care. Nature has already driven 99% of all species to extinction. Nature thinks it's cool when a fungus can invade your brain and take you over--for nature, a lion murdering cubs to ensure his own genes propagate?Okay! It's like that George Carlin skit--humans might very well only be here to create plastic, who knows? Nature givesno fucks.
We aren't "saving the planet"--it's going to be fine even if we nuke each out of existence. In 10 million years, shit will grow back and completely forget us. We'll be a blip on the evolutionary chain. What we are doing is "saving humanity"--we want the earth to remain it's most hospitable for ourselves. (Which is a fine goal.)
When Migi said that humans that didn't understand how life works annoyed him? I almost cheered. THen they added in that life probably began in a toxic soup that would be considered adverse to life today....Illustrating that what's bad comes from a completely human perspective anyway, so don't delude yourself with thinking you are some great protector of the natural order (You are a protector of what mankind wants the natural order to be--which again, is okay.). Was such a great line...So glad they didn't just walk off with the shallow feel good ending of "humans bad, nature good!" and instead chose the more nuanced view of the world.