the way the anime was layed out really missed some of the points of the LN.The harem grows. Filo is probably some super rare creature that people previously thought didn't even exist because she's now the first one people have ever seen.
Shield Hero gets shit on a lot, but his luck is top tier. He's like Domino.
Spear Hero's knight chick is like Team Rocket levels of bad. She's evil for the sake of being evil. There's no real logic behind it the way a real bad guy needs. I love the show, but she and the king are terrible.
The LN is by no means a master piece of literature and i was disappointed that they did not expand in some characters more in the anime version. The anime is very rushed compared to the LN, and it doesn't show most of the trials and tribulations that the main character goes through.
I was also disappointed in the pee scene, as it was a very warm scene on the LN, and it feel rushed in the anime. They pissed away a nice opportunity for character development there.
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