You peasants just can't deal with the glory that is Red Saber. All hail our Emperor!
Your Best Girl is trash tier fam.
You peasants just can't deal with the glory that is Red Saber. All hail our Emperor!
Your Best Girl is trash tier fam.
You definitely live in Japan. That's for sure.
Do you still live in the same place?
Do you still live in the same place?
Let me LARP and pretend thatChysamere painstakingly went all over Tokyo in an attempt to find these places. He probably liked to think he was IN the anime with his waifus the entire time. It was a beautiful moment.
Chys is kind of like the MC from Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san. Just a little older.
Koizumi. Chys is blonde too. Japan transplants. I remember when I was visiting the last time and Chys was showing me a website of all these spicy ramen places to visit. They're pretty much the same person.
Watching No Game No Life.
That is some BRAZEN wincest (but not wincest because they're just step siblings so its cool of course even if she's 11) teasing in that one lol!
Jibril best girl.
Satou has a public facing profile that he can set manually. Baddies and appraisal skills will view whatever he set for levels, skills, titles, etc and will have no idea about the OPness that lurks beneath. Arisa doesn't know the details either and simply figures he's got a couple hidden skills like any other reincarnator. Arisa's unique Overboost skill gives her a flat success modifier which is why she could land that hit against Zen despite the level difference (and also charm Satou when they first met).So Death March. I guess no one else is able to see his level or anything? But because he was a programmer, he can see the info from everyone else? I guess?
thats all basic manga info, surprised they didn't put that in anime, cuz like, that's essential to how extremely OP, OP, OP he is.Is that from reading a manga, or light novel? Interesting, though.
I'm so deep in the DanMachi, Grimgar & Sword Art Online light novel stories. I still need to start and finish No Game No Life, but that should be fairly quick. So I could start this as my next book... Hmm.