I thought demon slayer was good, but I'd have given it around a 7.5/10. I'm not a weaboo, never read a manga in my life, so maybe that is the difference in opinion.Demon Slayer is one of my favorite all-time storylines in anime. However, I do have to say they went a little too hard on trying to balance (I guess) the dark tone with the comedy. I think it could almost be cut in half. Zenitsu would probably be tolerable but he literally screams for minutes at a time without ceasing. I like his character and back story but it gets old really quick.
I can't wait for the movie and I honestly hope we get more seasons but I agree, it's probably 8.5-9 / 10 only because it goes hard with the comedy and Zenitsu's yelling. If you're able to just overlook it, which I do and have at this point, I'm probably one of those that acted like it was an 11 / 10 before I really thought about how that is probably really annoying to other people.
Supposedly the movie it going to be released in AMC theaters either the end of the month into next month? I'll have to look back for the article and/or updates but I'll be first in line to watch it.
It is kinda a cutesy show a lot of the time, and takes its time doddling along with feel good stuff. I can definitely imagine that getting to be a bit much when you are watching it in one sitting.Slime is such a slow show. I never noticed it before since I shotgunned season 1 after it was already out.
Hey, he saved someone this episode. That's something a hero does, right? I'm still on the fence.It's just edgelordy garbage imo. He's already gone way past the point of redemption, so they'll just always make sure to make the people he's getting revenge against seem slightly worse than him.
I wanna like ReZero, but god I hate subaru so much. It makes me think the whole point of the show is that the witch is playing a practical joke by making the most retarded sperg into a hero.ReZero:
Last episodes were great. Excellent setup for next few weeks with Emelia, Roswaal and what's going on in the mansion.
Last episodes were great. Excellent setup for next few weeks with Emelia, Roswaal and what's going on in the mansion.
Find out how Roswaal and Echidna got freaky love relationship going on. Beatrice being part of their little family surprised me. I hope Beatrice gets to pay back that girl for going into the crystal. I think if Subaru can help save her or resolve that situation Beatrice will lighten up and be happy to live again.
Garf and Frederica meeting was funny:
FINALLY more puck action! Puck and Ram VS Roswaal round 2!
Petra is a such a good girl Subaru can't let her down:
Now onto Log Horizon. FINALLY something with Krusty! Saw the comment somewhere that Krusty is gonna fighting the raid bosses on the fucking moon awhile Shiroe is stuck in Japan playing the game of life isn't far off.
So the Adventurers using their memories to boost their abilities and get around the game mechanics / limitations is new and came out of left field but kinda fits i guess.
This made me laugh, Akatski being awesome:
Enjoyed the fights over in Chinaland server was fun. Hopefully more to come soon.
Shiroe has an idea for something..guess we gotta find out:
No he enjoys raping to, maybe because that all he knows but he like doing it none the less.Everyone else rapes because they enjoy it, he only rapes because that's all he knows. He brought justice to leonard, and I think those tears while he was raping later signify that he realizes something is off about this world. Perhaps this is some sort of redemption arc.
Yea it takes excess world building filler episodes to an extreme.Slime is such a slow show. I never noticed it before since I shotgunned season 1 after it was already out.
I have no idea what makes people popular on the internet these days. Between twitch, youtube, and every other internet platform it seems like you throw shit at a wall until you find people who like it.how does this faggot looking guy get over a million views a video? what does he do?
i just watched a video of angry nintendo guyI have no idea what makes people popular on the internet these days. Between twitch, youtube, and every other internet platform it seems like you throw shit at a wall until you find people who like it.
Angry Video Game Nerd is amazing and if he was 10 years younger he would probably be one of the top twitch streamers making millions. There are fat retarded kids taking massive bong rips ordering uber eats and playing video games making sixfigure + salaries. I don't get it, but this isn't really on topic for weeb shit.i just watched a video of angry nintendo guy
The past 3 or so episodes have felt mostly like filler, especially the most current episode. Rim gets back to town, sees what happens, sees some dead goblins.... but no one tells him what happened to the two Oni ladies. Yet they he has a meeting with everyone... except the 2 Oni ladies which are ALWAYS present are absent. Really stupid.Slime is such a slow show. I never noticed it before since I shotgunned season 1 after it was already out.