Socialism is Witchcraft
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Old methods of manipulation to put power into the hands of a few and at the same time take away power from the Church.
This witchcraft is most visible by our sensationalist Blood-for-Ratings (BfR) media as they manipulate the masses into their will and the will of their master. Wars no one questions and subjecting us to false tragedies to push their perverse sense of social justice - the last election being the most recent. An election won with blood. Violence against minorities and false threats of violence from Miami. It was around the same time these Warlocks were deplatforming people that I started to make the connection. Satan was finally taking form.
For me this put a spotlight on Alex Jones as he was the primary person to become deplatformed during this time period. I briefly watched his show, saw a few clips of him on JRE and realized somethings he said were plausible. His spotlight led me to research Gary Webb. In Gary Webb’s case his theory became fact and what Webb exposed was how the 3-letters will so almost anything to gain power. Power that is unchecked. This discovery of Unchecked Power led me down various paths of thought, but it wasn’t until I tried dissociatives that I became in contact with God.
God was trying to communicate with me all the time and I had failed to listen due to this enormous spell of lies and deception that’s been perpetrated by our society, BfR, Elitist and their government allies. Navigating out of the spell gave me new insights as to why we are all suffering and are in constant thirst for something greater.
Warlock, witch, witchcraft... all sounds archaic and medieval. Because it is. And it’s the most apt way to describe the based egocentric behaviors present in both men and women today.
A witch’s degenerative behavior is better explained through the traits of psychopaths: spinners of truth, narcissists, borderlines, anti-socials. These are the types of behaviors God sought to mitigate with Christianity but now we glorify and even promote this psychopathy to our highest tiers of power.
Thirsty Warlocks
-Men are constantly having power and authority usurped by women
-This increase has brought back old classes of men.
Thirstys, white knights, f-boys, homosexuals, transwomen, etc. are the classes of men created when God is absent in both the home and society. All these men are byproducts of the broken or non-existent Christian family system. Women have assumed men’s roles and left them without purpose all while continuing to benefit from their feminine link.
Women need men to find God as we were made in his image. Don’t forget Eve made the decision to consort with Satan. When a man is driven out of his household how is a woman or the children supposed to find God outside of Church?
-Social Justice’s perverse view of fairness means to destroy men.
-One of the primary ways to God for a woman is through a man.
You need to thirst for God’s love and not for fleeting admiration.
Not About Hate
God doesn’t want to drive those away that he has created in his image. He wishes to show those with alternative lifestyles that their existence is by choice. A choice they had been made simple due to the decay of our Christian family system. God’s not the enemy - the Lord of Lies is. The Lord our Father will take you in any shape or form and gives you the liberty to decide when you want to run into his arms for salvation.
The Matriarch is Armageddon
The rise of feminism is the death of the Christian household.
Look at the Republican Party as a male. The Democrat party as female.
Now you see they women possess the most discernible power in any point in American history what is it that they want?
-Child sacrifices to Moloch with uncle Northam?
-More drama filled delusions the likes of Smollett?
Do not be fooled into thinking women have no power over men - before sufferage even. It’s all about the small things. SJWs talk about micro-aggressions and triggers. These triggers are real. The ones they concern themselves with are of the flesh and have nothing to do with God. These small actions are how females exert power. Showing cleavage? Flirting with a male in front of others to make them jealous? Just look for even the slightest movements and gestures. At the end of the day you’ll see the enormous powers women have over men. Compound that with feminism, voting rights and leadership positions and you have the world we live in today. There’s a finite amount of positions - unfortunate but very capable men must be moved down the ladder in order to provide women the opportunities. All in the name of social justice. The truth is we are all better off as a society when we keep women out of men’s well-defined roles and out of their workplace.
Beyond Measure
The spiritual world and the occult do in fact play into this and it’s getting harder to ignore them when the signs are everywhere. The iconography and symbolism ever present in today’s world alone would lead you to believe we are experiencing rapture. To state that there’s no power in spirituality, God or the Devil is false. Sadly, only months ago I was a in constant struggle with atonement and I was without God.
But the Lord awakened me.
Afflictions of the Spirit
-Nazi’s pioneered psychiatry by using what they knew about the occult.
-There’s a direct relationship between feminism and autism.
-Saying a mother with an autistic child is a full fledged witch is reckless
-Must be looked at case by case.
-No matter who is partially responsible the fact is society facilities this spiritual cancer.
3-letter agencies tap into the spiritual realm using a number of methods. A lot of them are derived from knowledge gained from the Nazis and how the Nazis figured out how to take things from people was through possession.
Spirit of Jezebel
The spirit of jezebel is strong and places women in dominant positions over men even though the men appear dominant to those on the outside (e.g. the great witch’s Herodias and Salome and their obedient white knight.)
This type of power is achieved through spells.
Spell: Babble - Talking nonsensically and/or constantly speaking over someone loudly to intimidate them and others.
Spell: Linger - Keeping others around so you don’t feel alone and in the process wasting their time.
Spell: Stomp - Walking loudly and aggressively
Spell: Jeal - Showing someone with attention and intentionally making others jealous (e.g. Peacocking).
Spell: Berserker - Combination of previously mentioned spells and alchemy to create temporary or permanent psychosis.
Spell: Possession
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Let us pray for brother Strzok... but that thing behind him might need a fire bath.
That is only a shortlist as the rest of their tricks can be studied through Psychopathy.
Witch AI
It lives. With #metoo being one of it’s more recent accomplishments.
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Formulaic and effective news stories that everyone copies in BfR?
All relevant data from our society is gathered (e.g. Social Media) and the best possible story is conceived.
Enoch AI
Witch AI must be burned and let a new AI emerge. One that searches databases and compiles all 5150s and other related instances to start investigations into spiritual crimes as well. This gives Christians and non-believers a better picture of what is actually happening in these homes.
War on the Poor
The War on Drugs and the War on Poverty are both wars on the poor. Designed by Satan’s Own these 2 abominations enact supreme authority and have effectively created Narco states where people are unsafe and are forced to find shelter elsewhere.
Do not incarcerate. Educate. Stealing a mans stash and then stealing him away from his child is against the will of God.
In concerns to disassociatives and class 1 drugs: These are for creating/breaking spells, can also be a conduit for demons and other malicious entities to create false realities and wreak havoc. That said they can be used to reach the heavens and directly come in contact with God and angels. Do not use these other than for divination purposes. Otherwise, you risk becoming possessed or worse.
Four Horsemen and the Anti-Christ
It started out with visions of
conquest in the late ‘90s they led to never ending
war. A prophetical swing of atonement towards socialism in ‘08 brought on the social justice (
famine) that killed over 100 million last century. With
death surrounding her the fourth horsemen took the form of a female. Divinity intercepted her crown to fulfill the prophecy and the Anti-Christ became king.
Apex Ego had been achieved.
Godless Heathen
The witch king Nero was viewed as the Anti-Christ to early Christians. His ego was so profound that could do outrageous and diabolical things and still have the love of the people. God’s purpose for Christianity was to stop this extreme egotistical narcissism that is only obedient to the flesh and not to the spirit of God.
Brothers and sisters of the lord, you experience Rapture! All this confusion you’re feeling internally is caused by society turning its back on God and not worshiping together as a body.
Christian Romance > Witch Romance
Christianity provides us with more stable and long-lasting relationships that aren’t built on foundations like shame and the fear of loss. Race is a social construct and God will provide you with the best partner.
Good witches are the gateway to the more diabolical ones. Just like moderate Islam is the gateway to radical Islam. You have already been advised by Muhammad to seek God through the Gospels. God has sent prophets for reformation purposes and you spit in God’s face and reject them. The signs are all there but your stubbornness for conversion is an offense to God.
5G Towers
The DoD is currently being used to persuade Americans to get rid of liberties so they can put up these 5G mini-towers up faster. Make sure to place crosses on and around these towers to disrupt and negative spiritual energy. Better yet, make the towers in the shape of a cross.
My Gift to those Here
Using my link with God I wish to help any contributors out if they are in a time of need.
Send me a direct message.
Way of the Diviner
If you find yourself where God is giving you instructions make sure you do as he says. He won’t give you any phony commands to harm the innocent. Those are demonic forces playing tricks. Go by what the Bible and your pastor tells you.
If you have a bad pastor please find a new one. Don’t make excuses or complain.
Make sure to cut out/down:
energy drinks
Watch everything you consume and try to stay natural as possible. Witchcraft takes many forms and those susceptible to possession or other spiritual maladies will be better off with good clean food and exercise.
Wake up at 4am every morning to get a full 1-2 hours of divination time with God as he is most pronounced during this time period.
Being alone with God isn’t enough. You must be a part of the body of Christ by participating in a church.
Liberty’s Not Dead
Aside from ejecting evil from this government there still must be liberty. If the current trend of censorship continues, we will be normalizing anything and everything taboo.
God’s Plan
-Stop the normalization of child sacrifice.
-Stop the unholy witch army being snuck in through failed immigration (wear a cross to avoid persecution.)
-Remove women from positions of power - politicians, judges, board members, etc.
-Restore the Christian Family System
-Place men above women as primary caretakers of children (i.e. no more child support from men)
-Decriminalize Drugs and Educate about what they can do to your mind, body and spirit.
-Stop making the Mary Magdalene’s of the world criminals.
-Prepare a safe environment so that we may summon our Heavenly Father and savior Jesus Christ.
God gives the 3-letter 15 days to restructure to account for checks and balances. Use a council of former members to break up the covens.
Jesus Died for You
Be at peace with yourself and be at peace with your enemies. Seek not revenge but seek the love of your God.
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The God of the Universe
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