You must have grown up in a nice little bubble. I'm kinda jealous...
No, seriously, tell me. Unless she's literally had her mouth duct taped closed, in which case it obviously falls under the physical violence category, how is she unable to say 'I don't wanna do this' ? Even in the Police officer example I used, even if the circumstance forces her to either have sex or be arrested on a false charge, she can still say 'I don't wanna do this, this is rape.'
My point is that two people can be involved in a single situation, but see that situation from wildly different perspectives, this happens all the time, especially in the context of sex and relationships. If we're talking a fairly average sexual encounter (two people meet at a bar, party, etc) which doesn't involve overt force, if the woman goes along with the guy 100% and never voices a complaint, how the hell is he supposed to know whether she's suddenly decided to withdraw consent if she never vocalizes it?
Please, tell me. If she's sitting there saying 'this sucks, I don't wanna do this' in her head, but continues to allow and engage in the sex, then how the hell is he supposed to know that she doesn't want it to happen? Maybe in whatever feminist fantasy world you live in, men can read minds after they grind out enough women's study classes, but in the real world we can only know what's going on in someone's head, what they think and feel, if they either say it outloud, or do everything they can to act in a way which makes it obvious.