This is the second time Pine has held up this movie franchise on his back, it was just more noticeable this time. Jenkins basically copied the outline of the first movie (some Themiscyra shit, Trevor loves flying, Trevorless ending with bad CGI fest, ect) and injected a bunch of Orange Man bad commentary into it. For all of its flaws, the first movie at least had heart, a couple good action pieces, and worked around Galdot's lack of acting ability. This one was just liquid shit any time Pine was not on screen (and much of the time he was). Someone compared this to Batman and Robin (Arnie, batnipples, ect) bad but at least that movie had some fun and you could make sense of the shitty villian's motivations. Kristen Wig not being the most terrible part of any movie is a metaphore for how bad this was. And the worst part is they had the elements of something good buried in there, but someone with a love of the source material and the fans needed to sort that shit out. This pushes the whole thing into Last Jedi type of Bad for me.