IWho got killed in AoU? The guy with super speed or the guy whose only ability is shooting a bow and arrow?
Kind of like how Captain America beats the absolute shit out of people and nary a bruise or broken bone on them?
MCU movies are filled with just as many hilariously illogical concepts or scenes as DC's. Difference is MCU movies are generally very well put together so its easy to look past that.
thats exactly my point:
did bow and arrow guy go toe to toe with ultron midway through the movie? or was he up in the air flying a plane while someone else fought ultron??
at the end of the movie, did he go toe to toe with ultron or was he saving civs, fighting shitty robots, trying to get wanda to fight
this is what i mean when i say that MCU at least makes an effort to build a plot and place characters when it isnt super obvious how mismatched they would be.... as opposed to this...
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