Workout/Muscle Gaining


Potato del Grande
Just recently joined a gym and looking for beginner advice to gaining muscle. I've always been a skinny sob and looking to gain muscle in my arms, not legs so much.


Trump's Staff
Just recently joined a gym and looking for beginner advice to gaining muscle. I've always been a skinny sob and looking to gain muscle in my arms, not legs so much.

Starting Strength

There is also a DVD set available and an App with some nice features. Other people think there are better beginner programs available, but my experience is that they are all basically the same in effectiveness, SS's advantage is how much good, detailed information is available and how spelled out the plan is.


Tranny Chaser
Just recently joined a gym and looking for beginner advice to gaining muscle. I've always been a skinny sob and looking to gain muscle in my arms, not legs so much.

What is your current physical condition: height, weight, age, body fat % (eg can you see your abs or any ab outline either unflexed or unflexed)

If you are a total beginner to the gym then for a short period you will be able to gain muscle whilst also losing body fat (with the right program and diet etc)


Got something right about marriage
There is a weight lifting thread in the sports forum. Should start there.

Also, you wanna be one of those gym memes with ripped arms and pencil legs? Never skip leg day!
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Yes, for the love of god, don't skip leg day. As a beginner/non-lifter, gains should come pretty quick and slow down/plateau after a couple months. Be consistent and go slow. Don't compare yourself to the meatheads throwing around a ton of weight. You'll get there as long as you pace yourself and don't get injured trying to do too much, too fast or work everything all at once.

In addition to whatever other good advice you may glean from this thread or the other, aim for eating at least 30g of protein in one sitting whenever you eat. Research has shown muscle protein synthesis is only triggered when you reach/exceed a certain threshold of a certain amino acid (and almost every protein source has that quantity at 30g). It used to be (maybe still is?) conventional wisdom to eat lightly and often if you're trying to build muscle - and there's nothing wrong with that if that's what you want to do - but just make sure at least one of those meals includes a minimum of 30g of protein.

Best of luck.


All labs matter!
There is a weight lifting thread in the sports forum. Should start there.

Also, you wanna be one of those gym memes with ripped arms and pencil legs? Never skip leg day!

Beat me to it..don’t skip leg day.


Potato del Grande
What is your current physical condition: height, weight, age, body fat % (eg can you see your abs or any ab outline either unflexed or unflexed)

If you are a total beginner to the gym then for a short period you will be able to gain muscle whilst also losing body fat (with the right program and diet etc)
6 feet, 140 pounds, can see abs when flexed. My legs are toned but my arms are scrawny.


Potato del Grande
I dont know if i will be able to follow a certain diet but I will definitely change the way I eat, less junk food and more proteins/carbs. Will just have to eat more chicken/fish, etc.


Tranny Chaser
I dont know if i will be able to follow a certain diet but I will definitely change the way I eat, less junk food and more proteins/carbs. Will just have to eat more chicken/fish, etc.

OK, so normally for a beginner I would advise eating at a calorie deficit because they can build muscle and lose fat simultaneously and most beginners are overweight.

At 6ft and 140lbs with visible flexed abs you sound underweight, so we can start with eating at a calorie surplus.

How many times a week can you train 3-4 x 1 hour?


Don't listen to Ossoi Ossoi . 3 times a week squat/bench/row alternate squat/OHP/deadlift. 3x5 starting strength program until you plateau on it (should take you to about 135ohp, 225bench/row, 315squat and 405dead for maxes) Don't listen to people in the gym of they are doing accessory work. Those main lifts are all you need as a beginner. Eat a lot.

Research the program aand proper form.
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Tranny Chaser
Ah yes "eat a lot" great advice genius - how many calories does he need? How much protein? How much carbs?

"don't listen to Ossoi"

Yeah, it's not like I didn't put on 9.4lbs of muscle in six months despite everyone in the weight lifting thread saying "no impossible"

joz123 joz123 once we establish what your goals are I'm happy to send you some programs I've used and write up your macros for you. Really though you could do it yourself if you wanted, the formula I would use is here Setting Up a Diet for Muscle Growth | RNT Fitness


Potato del Grande
I just came here to find this info. Glad someone made a thread. I'll browse through the exercise thread as well. I just bought a gym membership to Planet Fitness (I know I know) but I'm not looking to get jacked. Just want to get more in shape. Like Chris Pratt shape or something like that. I'm 6'4", 180lbs. I'm not overweight, a little bit of a belly I guess, I'm pretty sure I'll burn that off while I gain muscle. I'm somewhat skinny framed by default. I was about 155lbs my entire life until about 5 years ago or so when my metabolism started catching up with me. I've never watched what I eat before.

I'm at a total loss though on how to start though. I'd like to exercise 3 or 4 times a week, 30 minutes to an hour. I have no idea which exercises I should do with Planet Fitness equipment, and I have no idea what to eat. Everywhere I read just says deadlift all day eery day, and inhale chickens and you too can be the size of the Rock. Well I'm looking for something realistic, that isn't going to kill me and demotivate me. I also have no idea what supplements to use. When I did work out for a few months about 15 years ago, it was gross whey protein shakes, and creatine. No idea what the best stuff to use now days is for the best gains. Any tips or pointers would be appreciated.


Tranny Chaser
I just came here to find this info. Glad someone made a thread. I'll browse through the exercise thread as well. I just bought a gym membership to Planet Fitness (I know I know) but I'm not looking to get jacked. Just want to get more in shape. Like Chris Pratt shape or something like that. I'm 6'4", 180lbs. I'm not overweight, a little bit of a belly I guess, I'm pretty sure I'll burn that off while I gain muscle. I'm somewhat skinny framed by default. I was about 155lbs my entire life until about 5 years ago or so when my metabolism started catching up with me. I've never watched what I eat before.

I'm at a total loss though on how to start though. I'd like to exercise 3 or 4 times a week, 30 minutes to an hour. I have no idea which exercises I should do with Planet Fitness equipment, and I have no idea what to eat. Everywhere I read just says deadlift all day eery day, and inhale chickens and you too can be the size of the Rock. Well I'm looking for something realistic, that isn't going to kill me and demotivate me. I also have no idea what supplements to use. When I did work out for a few months about 15 years ago, it was gross whey protein shakes, and creatine. No idea what the best stuff to use now days is for the best gains. Any tips or pointers would be appreciated.

whey protein and creatine are still the essential supplements.

As a beginner to lifting weights you can build muscle whilst losing fat. Set up your diet via Setting Up a Fat Loss Diet: Protein | RNT Fitness