"They're" going to find people won't give up their bacon as easily as they gave up their cigarettes. "They" might even lose credibility and wind up with a lot of people going back to smoking.
Do you think it's going to gain that much leverage? I'd hope not since it's not even really a risk. The difference being the McGovern committee actually lied when they found inconclusive results.
I dunno tbh. But that's the problem isn't it? The thing with the McGovern report wasn't just the bullshit they did, it was the unintended consequences of their good intentions. They didn't DIRECTLY ban or legislate away any food at all, but the global food industry inevitably switched from fats to sugars because of its recommendations. And forty years later we got mutant 8-year old diabetics and an unprecedented obesity crisis even with lowfat food everywhere.
You don't need malice, or even stupidity or even greed. Ignorance is always enough.