same server im going to play on. Most people got in, but no way am i waiting on that fucking queue. Ill just wait til the middle of the night or another day. Insane queues.Guild moved from Thalnos over to Stalagg, just got home from work, 24.5k in queue... nice
I've been dancing in Undercity for 3 hours, purely to waste a server slot while watching tv
And another line for "The Stolen Journal"...
Skip the fucking quest, jesus.
Logged in around 4:40-4:45 CST to become derp #15k-something in Q.
Still sitting at 5515 out, but managed to get almost halfway through a season of The Wire /shrug
I've been dancing in Undercity for 3 hours, purely to waste a server slot while watching tv
Three New Realms Now Open -- 8:20 p.m. PDT August 26
We have just opened three additional WoW Classic realms for this region: Name Type Timezone Deviate Delight RP-PvP Eastern Smolderweb PvP Pacific Sulfuras PvP Eastern Please move to these new realms to avoid queues elsewhere. Thank you!