Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
- 17,307
- 13,843
Just read about this and that’s not what I mean in the slightest. I’m talking something more like Diablo style gear effects. Gear has actual abilities that compliment your base class ones, creating new gameplay styles or conditional strategic tools.
This Azerite system looks like uncreative +gooder bullshit.
Considering these games live and die by gear grind, that pigeon holes you into what you can do with gear. Remember set bonuses for class gear in WoW? People were using prior tier class gear because the bonuses kicked the shit out of the new ones.
That means you either have to carry the same bonuses into perpetuity on each subsequent gear piece, or you have to make lukewarm shit that is barely an upgrade so upgrading a tier doesn't feel like a nerf. Azerite isn't just +gooder, you'd get some pieces with awesome abilities and then you'd turn down stuff many item levels higher because the bonus from the old shit was still an upgrade over the "better" stuff.
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