Lets nto forget that peole are to blame for this shit too. The vocal minority likes to bitch and moan abut shit over and over until Blizz gives in and makes shit easier to get and more and more trivial as time goes on. Then before you know it, its an entirely different game.
This is why IMO its paramount that devs stick to their guns and origional vision for the game. And add additional content with that in mind.
I always remember this policy when pushing changes to the site too
BTW, who are you in game?
Do you think they will fuck it up by continuing on with progression for Classic servers (TBC, etc)?
I really hope they stop and realize that what made Classic special is the exact same things that the expansions got rid of, and instead create new expansions just for Classic.
But... the realist in me knows they wont. That will cost a lot of money to do, and they would have to admit that their vision over the years has been wrong. They will instead just roll out another one of the existing expansions to the Classic servers every year or so, and expect all their Classic players to make the move to a WoW Live server rather than Classic because they fucking think current WoW is good. /sigh
Yeah the 1) Working for the best item 2) Enjoying having the best item cycle is really important.Another thing that is nice about Classic at least from the gearing standpoint is you can reach a point where you are done. Amazing concept the retarded cunts like Ion don't understand.
because of the stupid you think you do but you dont comment from the lead.
Over the five weeks since we launched WoW Classic, we’ve continuously monitored realm populations and utilized layering when necessary to handle launch populations. As we’ve said before, we will have all realms on a single layer before introducing world bosses, and a great deal of progress has been made toward that goal.
First and foremost, players have leveled up and spread out around the world. This allowed us to accommodate more players per layer, which means fewer layers required per realm. The last time a server in this region had more than three layers was the first week of September, and almost all realms reached two layers shortly after that. This includes high population realms such as Faerlina, which has had only two layers for three weeks now.
Along the way, some select realms reached their end-state of a single layer, and we locked that in. With a change we made earlier this week, the following WoW Classic realms are now permanently set to one layer:
Be on the lookout for another change that we will make in the coming days: soon, realms that are operating with more than one layer will indicate that on the realm selection screen. Those realms will say “Layered” in the realm list. Thereafter, you’ll only see the Full/High/Medium/Low markers for realms that are permanently set to one layer.
- Anathema
- Arcanite Reaper
- Ashkandi
- Azuresong
- Deviate Delight
- Earthfury
- Felstriker
- Heartseeker
- Netherwind
- Old Blanchy
- Remulos
- Smolderweb
- Windseeker
We plan to move more realms to a single layer over time, and we will continue to offer free character moves to balance populations and manage login queues. In order to avoid queues in the future, we encourage you to use that service as soon as possible.
Thank you very much!