Curious what you guys think on a couple of warrior questions. 'm 46, spec'd 31/6/0/.
- I just picked up a
Stoneslayer. Nice increase in DPS over the
Axe but I'm wondering whether it would make sense to respec to swords. I know you usually consider dps first and foremost but it is a big drop in stats. I guess it depends on the drops I'll be seeing? I'm going to start with measuring dps and if it is close or better I'll respec swords.
- When do you guys use Mortal Strike? For double the rage cost it's only slight more damage than HS. I guess the improvement is the wound factor but that seems like the impact would be situational. It feels very meh for a top talent but maybe I am missing something.
- Finally, after playing for a few weeks, I have to ask: Is it Furor who doesn't know the difference between the words "bring" and "take"? It's triggering me.