Those servers are fucking dead. rotting. Nobody plays there. That's why you can transfer TO them. That's how it was in 2005/06 as well
question for people who leveld a pally, any advice / guides on the most efficient builds for leveling?
last time i played a pally in vanilla cant really remember the build i used
lmao niceWhichever one has auto attack.
lmao nice
think i can run spell cleave groups healing as a pally? that was my plan to lvl up
Most here play horde so they haven't even seen alliance AoE groups, but I assume Blessing of Protection is the fucking tits when it comes to them.lmao nice
think i can run spell cleave groups healing as a pally? that was my plan to lvl up
What are classic vanilla scourge invasions? I don't remember those, they must not have happened in the first few months of WoW.
Staff of Balzaphon
This blue staff has an item level of 60. It is looted from Balzaphon. In the Staves category. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. Always up to
Will they happen on these servers?
Most here play horde so they haven't even seen alliance AoE groups, but I assume Blessing of Protection is the fucking tits when it comes to them.