That was done literally the first day ZG opened on Classic.Wasn't hakkar empowered further every time you didn't kill one of the aspects? So you could in theory attempt him right off but he was rapey that way. Dunno if anyone ever succeeded in just doing that and ignoring the rest.
I'd argue it's still rather hard, since many of the tryhard worldfirst guilds failed or decided to kill Panther and then Hakkar. 99% of guilds still do full ZG clears regardless.It’s not hard when you go all out with world buffs and pots and stack warriors.
3 weeks of MC and one BWL + 3 Onyxia I think I’ve made north of 1500 gold.
I am. I need my MC key anyway!
Any truth to APES blowing up over an ethot chick?
Jesus fucking ChristWell queues are back because of Blizzard. Think this might be the straw that fucking breaks me. They need to fire everyone at that fucking company.