Ahn'Qiraj Raider
- 8,480
- 3,430
I think the patch you are referring to is 3.0 which introduced all of the Lich King changes and made things quite a bit easier. I remember because I got my hand of Adal title the weekend before that patch went live and removed it. I doubt they would start TBC with that.How would you deal with the - I assume a large portion - of the players that only wants to play classic and classic only? You can not patch them to the TBC level telling them "well just stay 60 lol".
Also TBC patch level is way more difficult. I forgot the patch number but there was a 180 degree patch removing a lot of the key requirements for raids and also makig the game way easier but also implementing a lot of class and balancing changes and removing some iconic quests (Hand of a'dal I remember, Champion of the Naaru? Too long ago...). If you start with the exciting and difficult early patchlevel you are also in for a really ugly minmax situation classwise. Will be interesting to see what they are planning.