You are here talking about a 17year old game that people still pay to play. This seems like a moot point. Just give them something except for bullshit paid non-classic fluff.Because then what happens when someone meets the objective? The server just shuts down, rolls credits?
That is 6 years of free cash from Classic-WoTLK where they have to do nothing other than not micro-transaction fuck the playerbase and they still couldn't keep themselves from it. If they can't come up with something new in 6 years then deserve to die a company.
I just assumed that's why holly was brought over. How to release a constant stream of classic servers over and over, with sub + store items. I really expect to see some type of packages like EQ had at some point.
Question will be how often? Do they really wait for previous ones to die@ wotlk, or roll out a classic once one reaches tbc?. Also do you make tokens sellable?. Even more money, as people buy to pay for consumables/BoEs or GDKP.
I don't know if this would work like it did with EQ: In WoW every expansion is one big reset of the game, and plays differently. The only ones still excited about classic (after everyone got their memories refreshed) are autists, worldbuff speedrun raiders and maybe warriors and mages. The venn diagram for those groups probably shows a lot of overlap.push them to 1 year expansion cycles for Progression/classic stuff so that players have time to play a year of TBC before they bait them back into classic again.
I don't know if this would work like it did with EQ: In WoW every expansion is one big reset of the game, and plays differently. The only ones still excited about classic (after everyone got their memories refreshed) are autists, worldbuff speedrun raiders and maybe warriors and mages. The venn diagram for those groups probably shows a lot of overlap.
They could pull it off if they do "now with more content, better class balance, no world buffs and 30% less grind", but that would result in a thunderous screeching from the autist brigade.
I don't know if this would work like it did with EQ: In WoW every expansion is one big reset of the game, and plays differently. The only ones still excited about classic (after everyone got their memories refreshed) are autists, worldbuff speedrun raiders and maybe warriors and mages. The venn diagram for those groups probably shows a lot of overlap.
They could pull it off if they do "now with more content, better class balance, no world buffs and 30% less grind", but that would result in a thunderous screeching from the autist brigade.
No, I absolutely know and abhor the vocal minority playerbase. The autist brigade will screech and scream that anyone on custom ruleset servers are "playing the game wrong."I think you are giving players too much credit.
Shadowlands has shit the bed, but there's very few MMO's out there grabbing people.
They've already begun brushing the #nochanges brigade aside, as it just gets in the way of a better Classic experience, and its mostly exploiters and try-hards wanting to abuse things they've grown accustomed to on private servers for years.
I think they'd benefit from some new Classic servers with different rulesets if they changed up some drop rates, doubled experience gains, shorter phases, etc. They lost a good deal of people between shitty server management and leveling grinds in the early phases of Classic, but could recapture some of those subscribers if they made a better effort. Shadowlands has shit the bed, but there's very few MMO's out there grabbing people.
This was a massive one. The retards at Blizzard would not listen at all. Launched the game with like 4 servers to reserve names on then they got shitblasted because they were too stubborn to add more. Then just like in the past they ended up with imbalanced servers some like Whitemane with 5-6 hour long queue times that they refused to layer or even turn off fucking transfers too, and some they turned into ghost town 99%ally/1%horde and 99%horde/1%ally servers some are dead without even enough to raid on and some are still so full and bloated TBC is just going to be a cluster fuck of stupid.They lost a good deal of people between shitty server management
Boozecube for Blizzard GM/CM!This was a massive one. The retards at Blizzard would not listen at all. Launched the game with like 4 servers to reserve names on then they got shitblasted because they were too stubborn to add more. Then just like in the past they ended up with imbalanced servers some like Whitemane with 5-6 hour long queue times that they refused to layer or even turn off fucking transfers too, and some they turned into ghost town 99%ally/1%horde and 99%horde/1%ally servers some are dead without even enough to raid on and some are still so full and bloated TBC is just going to be a cluster fuck of stupid.
All of which could have been solved with a handful of GM's monitoring and guiding players and guilds to different servers until they were all reasonably populated. Shit they should be looking to merge some of the shit realms before TBC launches and offering transfers off or splitting the high pop servers still.