WTF you in for? holy shit, and how the fuck you playing wow in prison?
internet crimes, convicted felon. Can’t discuss anything beyond that
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WTF you in for? holy shit, and how the fuck you playing wow in prison?
Ok I get you. But.. let’s say you’re correct. Why would you going full fledged cow slaughter be just as bad as me accidentally running over a rabbit by way of kale consumption?Im not talking about bugs man, im taliking about little critters like mice and moles and rabbits and other creatures that are run over by tractors or other farming machines, or lose their habitat to make way for farming.
I dont know its a personal choice, but you are misguided to think that farming up kale and other veggies you eat makes you some sort of saint. You have blood on your hands too. a study done by agriculturalists in 2003 cite some estinmated 7.3 billion animal deaths farming up your veggies man. Unless of course youre farming that shit up yourself in your back yard.
This discussion became gayer than Furry Hitler.
I never claimed Iw as a saint. I eat animals and in OK with that. It is you that thinks that way. This is why veganism is a farce. No matter how less, you are still killing animals. So think about that poor little mole and field mouse you killed next time you take a bite out of your broccoli.
Last post I promise guys. Now imagine a world where we stop eating animals and just eat veggies like kale and brioccoli. So imagine how much more land needs to be cleared and how many more animals would need to die to support 100% people eting nothing but veggies all day. How many more rain forests would need to be burned and clear cut to support this asinine idea of yours. And im not making excuses, im telling you that your farming is still killing animals. Regardless if you think they are lesser. Im perfectly fine eating my 1000 chickens, 1 or 2 cows and maybe a pig or two each year.
It's him!internet crimes, convicted felon. Can’t discuss anything beyond that
Thats why I asked because man, if I can go to prison and do some wow or other games all day, and get 3 squares plus a hour of yard time I mean shit, its an option, right?Internet crimes, and he's allowed internet access from prison?
I'm on Horde, Mankrik server or I'd make a DK other there :*(