Am I making a mistake by playing druid? How bad are they in WotLK?
I've only dipped my toes in so far. Level 15ish I think.
Druids are a solid class, for healing UI and macros make the biggest difference in enjoyment. Once you get some decent shift and mouse overs it can be a really fun class, really all healers are solid but require the most set up in my opinion to get the most out of them.
VER 3 000000000100000F "AoE" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [mod:shift] Power Infusion
/cast [mod:shift] Holy Nova
/cast Psychic Scream
VER 3 0000000001000005 "Big" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Greater Heal
VER 3 000000000100000C "Burn" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Mana Burn
VER 3 0000000001000008 "Cure" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Abolish Disease
VER 3 0000000001000006 "Dis" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] dispel magic; [harm, nodead] [exists,nodead][@player] dispel magic
VER 3 0000000001000009 "DoT" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/castsequence [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] reset=5/target/combat Shadow Word: Pain(Rank 8), Devouring Plague(Rank 6)
VER 3 0000000001000007 "Fast" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Flash Heal
VER 3 000000000100000B "Heal" "136222"
/swapactionbar 1 2
VER 3 0000000001000003 "HoT" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [nostance,help, nodead,@mouseover][nostance,help,exists,nodead][nostance,@player] Renew;[stance,harm,nodead][stance,exists,nodead][] Vampiric Embrace
VER 3 000000000100000D "Nuke" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/castsequence [stance,nochanneling] reset=6 Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Flay
/castsequence [nostance] reset=combat Holy Fire(Rank 8), Smite(Rank 8), Smite(Rank 8), Smite(Rank 8), Smite(Rank 8)
/use Mind Flay
VER 3 0000000001000004 "PW:S" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Power Word: Shield
VER 3 000000000100000E "Shkl" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Shackle Undead
VER 3 0000000001000002 "Weak" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/castsequence reset=6 Touch of Weakness(Rank 6), Inner Fire(Rank 6)
VER 3 0000000001000009 "Bear" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
#showtooltip Bear Form
/cancelform [noform:1]
/cast Dire Bear Form
/cast Bear Form
VER 3 0000000001000004 "Big" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [help, nodead,@mouseover][help,exists,nodead][@player] Healing Touch
VER 3 0000000001000007 "Cat" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
#showtooltip Prowl
/cancelform [noform:3]
/cast [noform:3] Cat Form
/cast Prowl
VER 3 000000000100000A "Claw" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast Claw
VER 3 0000000001000005 "Cure" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [help, nodead,@mouseover][help,exists,nodead][@player] Abolish Poison
VER 3 0000000001000006 "FF" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [noform] Faerie Fire
/cast [form:1] Enrage
/cast [form:3] Tiger's Fury
VER 3 0000000001000001 "Heal" "136116"
/swapactionbar 1 6
VER 3 0000000001000003 "HHoT" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [help, nodead,@mouseover][help,exists,nodead][@player] Regrowth
VER 3 0000000001000002 "HoT" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast [help, nodead,@mouseover][help,exists,nodead][@player] Rejuvenation
VER 3 0000000001000008 "Maul" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
#showtooltip Maul
/cast Feral Charge
/cast Maul
VER 3 000000000100000D "Mount" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cancelform [nostance:0,mod:shift]
/stopmacro [mod:shift]
/cast [swimming] !Aquatic Form; [indoors] !Cat Form; !Cat Form
VER 3 000000000100000B "Shred" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
/cast Shred
VER 3 000000000100000C "Stomp" "INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK"
# show War Stomp
/cancelaura [stance:1] Dire Bear Form; [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form <or Tree of Life>
/castsequence [target=player] reset=120/combat War Stomp, Regrowth, Rejuvenation
I could maybe get you in mine. But I can tell I’m not meshing well and almost might consider re-rolling too.Leveling the DK was super fun, and had a great time "chonking bitches" in AV asDaidraco would say. DW Frost is fun as fuck even without the proper hit rating to really see it shine. Blood is fucking invincible it feels in PvE and PvP with all the healing and pre-patch talents.
I was going to go Druid, and just get gear for all the specs and call it my 1 Wrath character but it never works that way and no idea what to do now. Healing is fun but it gets tiring dealing with the dumbs. I'm not one to go "apply" to guilds and show logs and shit, and there are no guilds with the homies on Mankrik. Re-roll Westfall? Ditch my homies that are all gonna be spread around anyway? Maybe that's the smart play.
Leveling is quick and easy
I finished the DK starting area did 2 AV turtles with retards and logged out haven't logged back in since. We need a new game.
LMAO, even with a 50%+ exp boost, boost-cube still fails at the game
lmao boost-cube!
Meanwhile, I've never played TBC before and have both my chars at level 70
What's the guild name?I could maybe get you in mine. But I can tell I’m not meshing well and almost might consider re-rolling too.
(What's the guild name?
The other problem I have is that I continue to make characters on servers tagged East Coast. I'm on the West coast, so this makes no sense but I gotta go where people I know play, right?
Probably all EST times? I'm looking now to see if Mankrik has any later night raiders. It's a US East server but maybe there's a bunch of late-night degenerates I can tag along with.(Caeden also) The guild that
Cupcaek got us involved with is called "Relentless Insomnia" on Westfall - Alliance. Like
BoozeCube said, its a bit of an edgelord name but Idc.
Some of you guys are asking me for an invite and Ill help get you one, but keep in mind Im not an officer or anything. Cupcaek knows these guys a lot better than I do, so he can get you in quickly. More than enough people in this guild and most of us sound like we have at minimum 2 characters to do a main run and a GDKP run. So dont feel stressed about raiding if you do join up. If you join and cant find the Discord information, just hit me up on Discord. Daidraco#2558
I joined Miami Cola, but they may have misrepresented their skill level by a large amount. I know they're clearing sunwell right now and running some gdkps and a host are not playing at all waiting on the xpac, but I after chatting with people more it doesn't sound like they cleared all of sunwell when it was "current' in classic. That's kinda bad to me compared to what I'm used to. They're east coast though...8:30 to 10:30pm EST times I think. I doubt I last. They seem cliquey and underskilled.Probably all EST times? I'm looking now to see if Mankrik has any later night raiders. It's a US East server but maybe there's a bunch of late-night degenerates I can tag along with.
Does Path of Frost still kill your group if you high jump into water? I did that once.Leveling the DK was super fun, and had a great time "chonking bitches" in AV asDaidraco would say. DW Frost is fun as fuck even without the proper hit rating to really see it shine. Blood is fucking invincible it feels in PvE and PvP with all the healing and pre-patch talents.
I was going to go Druid, and just get gear for all the specs and call it my 1 Wrath character but it never works that way and no idea what to do now. Healing is fun but it gets tiring dealing with the dumbs. I'm not one to go "apply" to guilds and show logs and shit, and there are no guilds with the homies on Mankrik. Re-roll Westfall? Ditch my homies that are all gonna be spread around anyway? Maybe that's the smart play.
Does Path of Frost still kill your group if you high jump into water? I did that once.![]()
What ones? I'm talking like west coast times... 7-9pm PST start times.There's a few really good late night guilds though.