Still that would require a fuckton of work to make it start with Ulduar.It was actually stupid to launch with Naxx as the main raid when the only reason Naxx was in WOTLK was because very few people did it in original vanilla.
My mom is dead.Spill the juicy beans brah, who cyber’d your mom this time
It's fine in the large majority of cases, one corner case is nobody on Pagle runs normal culling of strath except healers in the dungeon finder, so it's impossible to get a group for it to get a BIS trinket for most healers for the first 2 phases lol
The key with LC drama is to talk shit to your clique for catharsis, but never actually do anything because putting forth more effort than pumping dps seems like a hassle.
must be nice playing with non retard melee players