There is nothing skillful about the HC mod. It’s simply a matter of playing WoW with a lot of patience. Classic wow is the easiest version of wow ever made.
I don’t get the hate for Blizz’s HC implementation. They are never going to make everyone happy. For the people that think the HC mod is so great and fair then simply keep using the mod…
I have no interest in the HC mod but I’ll probably fuck around with official HC for awhile. I wouldn’t even consider it if I couldn’t trade with my bros.
i'm sorry I never played retail so maybe some expansions later they decided to reverse the trend of WoW getting easier and easier every expansion, but this has got to be the dumbest take i've ever seen. Demonstrably false from the get go. Vanilla is harder than TBC which is harder than WOTLK.
You can play with the HC mod on WOTLK servers but hardly anyone does because the game world is just much more forgiving and easy. hardly any elite quests/areas while leveling, less social aggro, less roaming "oh shit" mobs who fuck you up, etc everything is far more solo friendly. You can pretty much accidently HC wotlk leveling without even trying.
I dont think the Official HC servers are getting hate
per se just in traditional blizzard fashion they are missing the fucking point of the HC challenge. You know, the actual Challenge part? They are a waste of resources because only retards are going to bother playing there.
They are just regular ass vanilla servers with no restrictions in place, just without the ability to res. The whole point behind no mail no auction no trade only 1 dungeon run and only while in a specific level range etc is to
retain the challenge of leveling.
This server is gonna be full of twinks sitting in instanced dungeons getting carried to level cap without any challenge just so they can say "see i did it, all by myself mommy"
The only challenge will be not dying to blizzard server disconnects and that's the only HC thing this server has going for it, no ability to appeal bullshit server deaths.
HC may not be your particular cup of tea and that's fine, but the HC Mod version is the way to experience it, not this official blizzard HC server.
Give it a shot if you want, just don't South Park it (sitting in the woods killing "boars", ie safe non-social animal mobs well below your level). The point of the challenge isn't to be super safe and patient pulling your hair out from boredom, it's to actually get good and learn how the game really works, mob behavior, pathing, mechanics, Z axis, leashing, etc. shit you never had to really worry about understanding before because it didnt' really matter if you died. stop getting so attached to your character, you are going to die so embrace it and learn from it.