that's pretty much HC in a nutshell,
HC in a nutshell is someone not putting the right potion on his bar and his unofficial bag addon not working?
that's pretty much HC in a nutshell,
There is an endless amount of LOL with how people are dying in HC.
That video taught me that level 14 kills a lot of people in HC.
Died at 50 to not being able to hit a higher level potion than I had on my bar (lower level to speed up farming - high level for actual important shit). Bagnon wouldn’t let me hit the higher level one and I didn’t vanish because I never thought I was in danger… we don’t go agane.
I haven’t done either yet, but I’m not likely to play on the era realms. If I do I’ll hit you up.
Yeah - I am sad I won't get to do the 50-60 dungeons. But I am not terribly mad about the whole thing. It was a fun experience. Back to BG3 and then Starfield /shrugWhelp our 54 priest just ate a bag of dicks.
Just this part. I find it interesting that WoW was created by poopsocking elite Everquest raiders and they keenly understood that the game had to be easy enough to appeal to casuals. When they eventually moved on they sought to replicate it by hiring poopsock elite WoW raiders who proceeded to completely fuck that dynamic up. Make everything super complicated and a massive stress fest (comparatively) that casuals can't really do.
Im starting fires of heaven on era, this should last about a day
HC server or bust. Don't wuss out, get that Thunderfury
WTF?Wouldn't be against HC if it made sense. There's little incentive. No titles, no perks, no markers, no glory, no permanence (at 60 / res token dynamics / other timer duration resurrections). There's not even staff handling appeals or the possibility of appeals. I get it, self-rush type stuff if you're into that kind of a thing without any real meaning behind it but other than a little adrenaline it seems like such a bad idea.
Wouldn't be against HC if it made sense. There's little incentive. No titles, no perks, no markers, no glory, no permanence (at 60 / res token dynamics / other timer duration resurrections). There's not even staff handling appeals or the possibility of appeals. I get it, self-rush type stuff if you're into that kind of a thing without any real meaning behind it but other than a little adrenaline it seems like such a bad idea.