World of Warcraft: Current Year


Lord Nagafen Raider
Disc feels not very useful right now for anything but incidental healing. Maybe artifact/L110/gear will significantly change that but I'm not sure where this whole 'dps healer' thing came from other than a couple abilities do both things?

I know it's been said before but there's basically two options for DISC: it's either extremely powerful and basically mandatory because it does better than 1/2 dps 1/2 hps of other classes OR it will be completely useless because it fails to cover the output for any content anyone wants to do.
Premise: I'm sick of WoD, so I'm playing mostly on beta and not a lot to be honest, because I don't want to see everything before release, just getting an idea of classes at 100 and 101 (at 101 all classes stats scale a lot, there is a big difference compared to 100).

Discipline is... peculiar. First thing first, it's way better than shadow to level, believe it or not, but you do similar dps and take no real damage and have zero downtime, shadow is crippled by the fact that voidform is almost useless when questing. Now, atonement as it is now, is a shitty mechanic, because you pretty much cannot play efficiently in groups without macros or a healing UI mod (Clique I think) that lets you cast that fucking Plea without switching target. I prefer macros, that's the way I always played healers with nukes and offensive abilities.
My macros basically check the target of target and if it's hostile and not dead, cast something on that, so I can keep my tank or dps in target and assist without swapping. I'm sure everyone has their own method, but without shit like this, you are going to suck at discipline so much, you'll want to put on fire the class and possibly your pc. I repeat, with the standard UI and without macro, Discipline is currently aids and cancer tied together.

Once you accept this, then it can become smooth to play, you sort of get into a rythm, keep atonement on the tank at all times, spread the love to others when possible, throw out damage, watch your mana, swear a lot when emergency heals are required, make the best use of talents, etc.
If you try holy priest, which is good, but boring as fuck, discipline is a lot more fun, but it is a lot more work, you can't really sleepwalk into a dungeon as it requires a lot of micro management.

Give it a try, the artifact is also very cool.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
I spent my boost on a warrior, Arms and Prot are both very enjoyable right now. I'm not sure how viable arms is going to be dps wise at 110 but prot is amazing currently, all of the abilities synergize together very well and it feels like a "complete rotation" amongst all the pruning that happened with other classes.

Fury i think im just bad at, the rotation feels awkward trying to force enrage procs and the they take a ton of damage.

For those of us coming back, i highly recommend doing the timewalk dungeons on the weekend. they are a lot of fun and if you run 5 the quest gives you an automatic ilevel 700 normal HFC item.


Trump's Staff
I'm liking Fury a lot but still leveling. They do take a lot of damage (30% talented to 20% iirc) now. I like the simplicity of it, though.

Thanks for the two who mentioned buying missives with GR for the apexis dailies. Didn't know about those. Gonna knock that stuff out on my next days off. Do I have to get all the achievements on one guy to get the Draenor Pathfinder meta? My shaman on another server is closest to completion so I was going to do it on him but is it possible to do, for instance, all parts on that character then the reputations to revered on my warrior on another server and still get the meta?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
You don't need all achievements on one character, but credit within an achievement is not shared. So yes, finish Securing Draenor on your furthest completed character then the reps on a different character if you want.


Trump's Staff
Thanks for the info.
Quick UI question: I'm looking for an addon that I can use to show me when Enrage is active as a Fury warrior. Something that shows me an icon with a timer on top of it/on it, that is resizable/moveable, would be ideal.


French Madman
Thanks for the info.
Quick UI question: I'm looking for an addon that I can use to show me when Enrage is active as a Fury warrior. Something that shows me an icon with a timer on top of it/on it, that is resizable/moveable, would be ideal.
I believe you can do that pretty easily with TellMeWhen.


A Mod Real Quick
Looks like I may main tank as warrior this expansion. Ive done DK since it was launched, but it's time for a change.


700 inscription/herb wasn't as "instant gratification" as advertised by haters.

Hope this shit pays off, looks like it will.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Annndddd... I'm subscribed. This is gonna take a couple days just to figure out what's going on. It's been a year.

Edit: Ok, never got as far as having a gold farm team for my Garrison, but sent them all out on missions anyway, as hey, why not. Now to figure out talents, and class, and start running LFRs to try and figure out what I want to do come Legion! Shit's nearly overwhelming. >_<
I second the LFR test runs. They are great ways to test your rotations vs real targets that last long enough to let you get your full rotations/cool downs and what not tested and are easy enough that you pretty much can't fail.


Trakanon Raider
Premise: I'm sick of WoD, so I'm playing mostly on beta and not a lot to be honest, because I don't want to see everything before release, just getting an idea of classes at 100 and 101 (at 101 all classes stats scale a lot, there is a big difference compared to 100).

Discipline is... peculiar. First thing first, it's way better than shadow to level, believe it or not, but you do similar dps and take no real damage and have zero downtime, shadow is crippled by the fact that voidform is almost useless when questing. Now, atonement as it is now, is a shitty mechanic, because you pretty much cannot play efficiently in groups without macros or a healing UI mod (Clique I think) that lets you cast that fucking Plea without switching target. I prefer macros, that's the way I always played healers with nukes and offensive abilities.
My macros basically check the target of target and if it's hostile and not dead, cast something on that, so I can keep my tank or dps in target and assist without swapping. I'm sure everyone has their own method, but without shit like this, you are going to suck at discipline so much, you'll want to put on fire the class and possibly your pc. I repeat, with the standard UI and without macro, Discipline is currently aids and cancer tied together.

Once you accept this, then it can become smooth to play, you sort of get into a rythm, keep atonement on the tank at all times, spread the love to others when possible, throw out damage, watch your mana, swear a lot when emergency heals are required, make the best use of talents, etc.
If you try holy priest, which is good, but boring as fuck, discipline is a lot more fun, but it is a lot more work, you can't really sleepwalk into a dungeon as it requires a lot of micro management.

Give it a try, the artifact is also very cool.
This is really a spot on assessment and I echo just about all of this... so proceed with this spec with caution. I use UI stuff and very little macro but even with my method you're stuck with a few macros that make life so much better. I think I found a few of them online on a forum where everyone shared their most useful macros and robbed a couple to go with my own. However, that's just been the life of a healer for me since EQ. Maybe Macros were not as sophisticated then but if you don't want to drive yourself crazy or become frustrated to the point you quit, it's a necessity. I don't like it but that's reality.

I nearly switched to Holy but once I got my rhythm back and reloaded all my UI elements there was too much I enjoyed about Disc. I Pvp a lot and while i'm sure there's other preferences, I enjoy Disc in Pvp. I feel like i'm pretty good offensively and defensively. That's just my very limited and early take. I'm by no means an expert when it comes to WoW but I did enjoy Disc after overcoming a few obstacles.


As much as I want to say you're a retard if you fall for that, I know there's a lot of youngins playing the game and I could easily see how someone would get scammed if they were like 10.

However, I tried linking an item from wowhead ingame and it now gives you a prompt alerting you of the dangers of running a script. Just noticed it last night, I suppose this is the reason it now exists lol.


A Mod Real Quick
Reminds me of my D2 days when I would tell someone to fill their inventory with arrows and die/claim the corpse and everything would drop


Molten Core Raider
Can you add other addons on top of it? damage meters, etc?
You can add other addons so long as they don't serve the same functions, so damage meters work just fine. You can also disable modules within the UI if you would rather use a different quest tracker. chat, fonts, etc.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I second the LFR test runs. They are great ways to test your rotations vs real targets that last long enough to let you get your full rotations/cool downs and what not tested and are easy enough that you pretty much can't fail.
Seconded. Even though the instance is nerfed beyond your wildest imagination (we basically ran heroic with more healers than ever, and killed everything within 1h40 instead of our usual 2h30), the rotations are probably hard to get if you're used to the old system. I mean, I reorganized my bar, but my fingers kept trying to cast the old rotation anyway...