World of Warcraft: Current Year


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'll do what I usually do.

1. Buy expansion
2. Play for month
3. Bored. Cancel. Uninstall.
4. Wait for next expansion


Trump's Staff
Gonna be fun to see another mostly-dead subforum a few months after launch. We don't even have 1824128521 emulators to make threads about.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Still a single click from the main forum listing, I'll just mostly skip the general MMO forum most of the time unless I'm looking for another discussion.

Looking forward to Legion ... I think. Still trying to settle in on a class to play after the pre-patch.


Molten Core Raider
Gonna be fun to see another mostly-dead subforum a few months after launch. We don't even have 1824128521 emulators to make threads about.
This isn't the First World Problems thread. Oh the Humanity a forum that I'll never have to read. Fuck. What am I going to do with all those seconds I didn't waste?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'll do what I usually do. Buy expansion. Play the entire time.

Also, if the mods wanted proper trolling, they should have renamed MMORPG Discussion to WoW Discussion, and made General MMORPG Discusion a subforum of that.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I think it's hilarious. It pisses people off so much


<Bronze Donator>
I've been enjoying some destro, too. Can't decide between that and fire Mage.
Honestly, if I wasn't so attached to my Lock, I'd play a Mage or Hunter and never look back. Every expansion it's a guessing game where Warlocks will end up. Right now they're not in a great position, but I know Destro at the very least will be able to do a couple things that Mythic raids need (priority target burst and 2 target cleave specifically) while still bring some utility (portals, summons, etc).

Demo is a lot of fun. Summoning an ass load of demons and then doing things with them is cool visually, but the spec is pretty lackluster outside of that. You end up casting the Empower demon spell after nearly every single demon summon. Summon dogs, empower. Summon imps, empower. Summon your two cooldown demons, empower. Summon 4 more imps, empower. It's very clunky. Then take into account that it's just a purely awful spec at anything other than staying on one target and I question where their minds were in how this spec would work in the raiding scene. I guess maybe all that makes sense since it's brand new.

Edit: All that said, the havoc changes for destro are a lot of fun.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, I tried quite a bit of demo over the last few days. The ramp up is just a huge pain in the ass anytime I have to switch targets, or anything. Which is a shame, because it does look really neat.