World of Warcraft: Current Year


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So, just looking at these dps numbers y'all are posting...

I'm running guardian / resto so I really don't have a horse in this race but I'm pulling 120-140k with the bear. The DPS I run with are running ~ 200k-210k. Where are all these 300k+ people you guys are talking about. My buddy is a DH @ 850 ilvl (no leg, 3rd relic) and he maxes at 215 on a very good fight. Is this all from secondary stat optimization? Is it his rotation?

Combination of both. Monk , DH, Rogue wreck at anything involving AE damage. Single target 300k or 400k+ is being done my Priests who know their game and Fire Mage stacking crit over all else. 215k is honestly really low though. He should check his stat priority over ilvl gear.

Probably a combination of both. I can get 240k+ on my off spec WW without even being geared for WW monk optimally.


Is it browser side code that is calling those sites?
It's a line for it to call back to a javascript.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script><script type="text/javascript">var wowhead_tooltips = { "colorlinks": true, "iconizelinks": true, "renamelinks": true }</script>

Maybe I could look into hosting the script locally but I still don't think that would solve it. Something wonky is not compatible. I see it on other sites with no issues.


Vyemm Raider
Theorycrafting is saying that the proc rate is drastically dependent on having all possible dropped/quest recipes. Such that missing even one dramatically reduces the ability to get recipes from him.

May explain it bc i dont have shit for dropped food recipes.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Combination of both. Monk , DH, Rogue wreck at anything involving AE damage. Single target 300k or 400k+ is being done my Priests who know their game and Fire Mage stacking crit over all else. 215k is honestly really low though. He should check his stat priority over ilvl gear.

Probably a combination of both. I can get 240k+ on my off spec WW without even being geared for WW monk optimally.

What I find interesting with the Shadow Priests is given the right fight they march up the dps meters over time even before they hit the turbo button.

It's a line for it to call back to a javascript.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script><script type="text/javascript">var wowhead_tooltips = { "colorlinks": true, "iconizelinks": true, "renamelinks": true }</script>

Maybe I could look into hosting the script locally but I still don't think that would solve it. Something wonky is not compatible. I see it on other sites with no issues.

What issue are you seeing? I saw the wowhead link work for a moment before you disabled it. Is it just making the board feel sluggish to you?


Got something right about marriage
So, just looking at these dps numbers y'all are posting...

I'm running guardian / resto so I really don't have a horse in this race but I'm pulling 120-140k with the bear. The DPS I run with are running ~ 200k-210k. Where are all these 300k+ people you guys are talking about. My buddy is a DH @ 850 ilvl (no leg, 3rd relic) and he maxes at 215 on a very good fight. Is this all from secondary stat optimization? Is it his rotation?

I run with shitty DPS too.

Lol seriously though. My core group does around ~200k in Mythics, then I pug some groups when they aren't on and get grouped with Rogues and Balance druids pulling 300k+ single target dps on boss fights. Enh sham and fury warrs doing 270k+.

Shit I was with an SPriest that was doing 310k+. And honestly I think every class can perform pretty well if played correctly in Mythics. People pretending fury warriors are trash for instance... they aren't. They just aren't as good as Arms and people translate that into "Fury is garbage".

Meanwhile the WW Monk I run with is lucky to pull 250k and the ret paladin 200k. The people I play with don't read anything about the game at all and pretend it's easy to figure out optimal shit on your own. Then bitch when I don't just give them food and flasks for free "so we can clear easier".

I need to find a new group of people to run with. I just run with them since I've known them since Vanilla.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I don't get that shit. Optimal stats/rotations aren't exactly difficult to understand. WW monk specifically is what I have experience with. But the ones who aren't that good are shit at maintaining Combo Breaker or whatever the talent is called... if they were even smart enough to take it. Which if maintained is a flat 16% DPS boost THE ENTIRE TIME. I am not optimally geared in my third spec and I can pull 250k without really trying. 350k+ in AE situations easy and usually way more.

1.) Go to Icy Veins or Nox
2.) Read Stat priority/rotation
3.) ?????????
4.) Profit

That's not even getting into that Legendaries/certain talent choices drastically improve DPS in some cases.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah I don't get that shit. Optimal stats/rotations aren't exactly difficult to understand. WW monk specifically is what I have experience with. But the ones who aren't that good are shit at maintaining Combo Breaker or whatever the talent is called... if they were even smart enough to take it. Which if maintained is a flat 16% DPS boost THE ENTIRE TIME. I am not optimally geared in my third spec and I can pull 250k without really trying. 350k+ in AE situations easy and usually way more.

1.) Go to Icy Veins or Nox
2.) Read Stat priority/rotation
3.) ?????????
4.) Profit

That's not even getting into that Legendaries/certain talent choices drastically improve DPS in some cases.

After all the work Blizzard put into in pairing down abilities and making it easier for the average player people still cannot play optimally. It always felt like their goal was to close the gap between bad players and good players. So either they are missing the mark or the average player is just dumb. All thatl being said, some specs are really easy to play optimally vs others. Which means they can be played at 90% optimal while moving and doing other things vs just dropping down to nearly zero.


What issue are you seeing? I saw the wowhead link work for a moment before you disabled it. Is it just making the board feel sluggish to you?
Making the whole board quite sluggish. Like we had about half a dozen people post about it in the amod thread and moderators sending me PM's.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Some of the rotations are really bad. Elemental's rotation is awful. So many conditional abilities. I want to write a huge loop IF, ELSE IF, ELSE IF for it to be done optimally.

But most of them are quite easy.


Vyemm Raider
I really, really hope we don't waste gold on mythic raids before something happens to unfuck alchemy. I won't participate in that stupidity until heroic is bled dry of loot. You can easily burn 100k (and rising) in a single night. I have zero interest in spending every available minute of free time on WoW just to make the gold to fund 8-12 hours of raiding.


Got something right about marriage
Alchemy prices will drop significantly once Flying is released. Right now the lack of flying is super inflating herb prices because all the herbs are used in both cooking recipes and pots/flasks.

You need a shitload of herbs to make them too.


Got something right about marriage
Sweet new grappling hook bug. It just randomly targets whatever hook in the area it wants to sometimes rather than the one you actually clicked on.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Blood Trader will nerf it more than flying ever will. If WoD is any indicator flying is at least 1.2 years out.


Tranny Chaser
According to the simulator I am better geared for Arcane than I am Fire... which makes sense given that I have been playing Arcane. At least it means I can't just switch specs and expect a miracle to improve my dps