This tier's trinkets are pretty shit for Brewmaster. They're only "good" for gimmicks. If you get the -AOE damage cooldown trinket, and the -6 Cooldowns trinket on BM, you can solo-tank Malkorok's bloodrage phase, which saves your healers some healing. I wouldn't want those trinkets in like, any other fight though. Once you're full heroic, you just end up stealing the Strength +% Crit Damage & Healing, +%Haste, +%Mastery trinket from your STR DPS, because "lol scaling." Other than that, get the Cleave Trinkets for more padding your farm-mode DPS until blizzard nerfs you again. The best thing you can do for your raid as a Brewmaster this tier is pass on trinkets until every other class that needs them has them.
I am mildly jimmy-rustled that agi didn't get a Crit-Amplification trinket.
If you have to go "Derpaderp-TONKMODE!", Rune of Re-Origination is still a way stronger pure-survivability trinket than anything this tier.
If Vial of Corruption had been Mastery instead of Stamina, it might have had SOME general applicability. Alas, stamina shitting it up.
If you weren't already going to be hitting effective stat-caps in Heroic gear, I'd say fuck it, stick with last raid's trinkets, since they at least have passive Secondary Stats that matter. But when you're hitting the 1 elusive brew per second psuedo-cap WITHOUT trinket stats, or while Rushing Jade Winding on cooldown on single-target and still having too many resources, you might as well slap some cleave chances or Other-Fucking-Classes'-Crit Amplification trinkets on to up your contribution to raid dps, or, in the case of the amp trinkets, up the effectiveness of critical Ox Guards, and heals from Gift of the Ox.