After 10 weeks of no drops finally bonus rolled a protector helm off Mythic DI...fuck those drop tables. still need shoulders to complete my mythic transmog set so either harjatan needs to drop his shoulders or i need to bonus roll off avatar since that is my lego slot.
Looks like they are making Arcanocrystal 2.0 Ilevel 1000 and a legendary (in color only) so you'll still be able to equip 2 legos + Arcano. all of the other Pantheon trinkets are also now upgradable to ilevel 1000 using a questline similar to how legos will be upgraded (it may use the same materials). Also, the Pantheon buff now only requires 4 buffs be active on the raid instead of 6 so no more bitching about the tanks who won't use theirs.
they also slightly changed the tank proc to give vers instead of armor, but the pantheon buff is still an EHP buff which is useless (would rather it be avoidance, vers, armor, or mainstat).