I've never turned down extra sausage when it was an option. Never once in my goddamn life.Noodle you should definitely race change to Highmountain Tauren. You know you want extra meat.
I've never turned down extra sausage when it was an option. Never once in my goddamn life.
People are 'exploiting' the hell out of the new PVP system on Darkshore.
1) Join 40v40 Raid group in pvp premade.
2) Take 'turns' killing each other.
3) 1100ish Honor every 30-45 seconds.
People are 'exploiting' the hell out of the new PVP system on Darkshore.
1) Join 40v40 Raid group in pvp premade.
2) Take 'turns' killing each other.
3) 1100ish Honor every 30-45 seconds.
Can I somehow bind Druid travel form to double space bar? Like if I hit the space bar twice in rapid succession, it will try to travel form. If so, how do I do it?
Can I somehow bind Druid travel form to double space bar? Like if I hit the space bar twice in rapid succession, it will try to travel form. If so, how do I do it?
Can't macro Jump, unfortunately, and can't keybind Space to two functions. Neat idea, though.Not spacebar, but I suppose you could do a cast sequence on a macro where the first action is empty and second action is travel form. I suppose that defeats the purpose though.
Yeah they really fucked up with gating. Seat of the Triumvate Dungeon is gated but little else.It's really odd completing the Argus questline before doing anything with my order hall, and not obtaining my artifact - not that it matters on either, but the Arcane mage artifact looks cool. Stupid "you can't enter a dungeon within 24 hours of boosting a character". Kinna gross how strong arcane is, even though I'm 60 ilvl lower with no set bonuses or legendaries compared to my druid....
Yeah I mean he could do the double tap on another key but without jump and not using g space barCan't macro Jump, unfortunately, and can't keybind Space to two functions. Neat idea, though.
Yeah they really fucked up with gating. Seat of the Triumvate Dungeon is gated but little else.
I feel like I missed out doing this out of order. Pretty sure some of the previous expansions like Mists had item level gating too. Oh but we can't gate anything because people complained in Burning Crusade that they couldnt cope with long quests and couldn't play with the friends they never had!