Got something right about marriage
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- 14,564
Hey bros, anyone know if there is a way to get some money/items over from another realm?
This is the first time I've re-rolled on a new realm and I am poor as shit. If there isn't a way, is there any super-rich jerkface that can donate some bags?
To transfer gold you can buy/sell Battle Pets. Buy on realm you want to transfer from. Learn them. Cage them with a character on the realm you want the gold on and sell em on the AH. Depending on the differences in prices between the two realms this might be a money maker, or it might be a money loser. It also takes time to sell pets so you have to pick ones that sell fast.
You can also buy WoW Tokens off the AH on one realm, add it to your balance, then use the balance to buy WoW tokens to sell on the AH you want the gold on. You lose a decent amount of gold this way but it's doable and much faster than the pet method.