I'd like to think Alliance are like the Brits
and Horde are MURICA
huh?[/Lolllllll idk Im laughing so hard at thisJesus Christ Elidroth. Stop trying so hard.
Uhh the horde where a blood crazed group of savages that invaded Azeroth and burned to the ground multiple kingdoms and almost wiped out the entire eastern kingdoms. They even blew up their own world in their hopes of conquest.
Of course the alliance is going to round them up and lock them away. Ain't no one going to give a shit about "But muh fel corruption!! we dindu nuffin wrong!" The fact the orcs produced people like guldan and nerzul with orcs dumb enough to drink their fel juice shows how worthless and dangerous the race is.
Even still plenty of humans where sympathetic. Tyrion threw away his life for an orc, Jaina gave ogrimmar a chance etc.
Neither do I which is why I'm laughing so hard. No idea why he said that lolllI guess I don't get it.. oh well.
How long does a 1-60 take? Thinking of using the 110 token to roll a rogue for BfA but would it be worth it to knock out 1-60 quick so I can get professions to 700?
Wow. Forgetting your lore much? The two most villainous figures born of Azeroth were both human.Uhh the horde where a blood crazed group of savages that invaded Azeroth and burned to the ground multiple kingdoms and almost wiped out the entire eastern kingdoms. They even blew up their own world in their hopes of conquest.
Of course the alliance is going to round them up and lock them away. Ain't no one going to give a shit about "But muh fel corruption!! we dindu nuffin wrong!" The fact the orcs produced people like guldan and nerzul with orcs dumb enough to drink their fel juice shows how worthless and dangerous the race is.
Even still plenty of humans where sympathetic. Tyrion threw away his life for an orc, Jaina gave ogrimmar a chance etc.