View attachment 173902
Please tell me that this is some photoshoppery... If not -- what the actual fuck.
That Horde War Effort is active right now in EU and allegedly that is the rewardView attachment 173902
Please tell me that this is some photoshoppery... If not -- what the actual fuck.
That Horde War Effort is active right now in EU and allegedly that is the reward
Don't know how long this has been in the game, but you can now queue as the opposite faction if your server group has excessive waiting times for BGs. Used to be horde had instant queues, now I'm waiting for over an hour for 40-man BG to pop. Queue as alliance, and it's a few minutes wait at best. Also, alliance lose AV all the time now it seems.
That's crazy I remember AV was the only BG Alliance won.
Everything is gamergate.That's crazy I remember AV was the only BG Alliance won. I haven't done a BG in years though.
NPC's in Boralus harbor that you click over and over say:
"now we see the violence, inherent in the system"
and then:
"help, help!! I'm being repressed!"
I found Manor and Underrot relatively easy. Storm Shrine or whatever the fuck its called was more difficult, but we pulled some awful trash packs and wiped to that mostly. Motherlode is annoying because of the trash.Started tanking mythics this weekend on my dh and It’s a blast. Dhs hit so hard and even though I feel like I don’t have a ton of cds to save me my mobility and kiting abilities insane. Lol it’s such a different thought process for me to get used to.
Having said that what’s the order of difficulty for the dungeons on mythic. Ran manor and it felt real easy minus messing up a mechanic on the coven fight
Sweet. Updated the guild post OP. Thanks.
I found Manor and Underrot relatively easy. Storm Shrine or whatever the fuck its called was more difficult, but we pulled some awful trash packs and wiped to that mostly. Motherlode is annoying because of the trash.
That said I haven't found any of the bosses actually difficult.
Even better. The enforcers or whatever they're called do some ice strike melee attack that's pure magic. It rips through me for 25% of my hp everytimeGranted I have tanked mythic yet, but the Storm Shrine dungeon seems like it is going to be a pain in the ass (as a warrior) with all the damn magic damage being thrown around. I swear every other mob just stands there spamming dps spells.
Very noob question, just getting back into game and I'm finding in dungeons it's hard to see which mob I have targeted when there is a big pile of players and mobs, is there an in game setting or add on to adjust this?
Are Disc priests able to main heal dungeon runs? Noodle is making me feel like I'm gonna have a hard time keeping the tank up.