FTFY. Sincerely, my Enchanting skill.Make sure you guys do the zand emissary today for the340+ trinketVeiled Crystal
You mean the guaranteed expulsion?FTFY. Sincerely, my Enchanting skill.
Fuck that, this boy needs crystals for weapon enchants! Still don't get why the good ring enchants require 8 at rank 1. Enchanting has this absurd, almost catch-22 going on to get it past 75, and it's all because of crystals.You mean the guaranteed expulsion?
Ahh haven’t touched my enchanting alt yet.Fuck that, this boy needs crystals for weapon enchants! Still don't get why the good ring enchants require 8 at rank 1. Enchanting has this absurd, almost catch-22 going on to get it past 75, and it's all because of crystals.
(If I really want Expulsom, I just ask my Tailoring stash to get to work.)
Spoiler alert: It's AIDS to level after 75. Your only orange recipes are the +37 ring enchants which require 8 Veiled Crystals (rank 2 is having 100 skill) and the follower equipment. Yellow recipes are the weapon enchants, each of which take 1 Veiled Crystal. Green recipes are the i225 wand (20 dust, 1 shard each try), and the +27 secondary ring enchants... if they're rank 3 -- two of which are through Revered Tortollan, the other two are Work Orders.Ahh haven’t touched my enchanting alt yet.
Well.. it was a good upgrade for me. Puts me at 342FTFY. Sincerely, my Enchanting skill.
Yup until we start getting purples to blow up I just don't see how you pass 75 everything requires stuff you basically can't get.Fuck that, this boy needs crystals for weapon enchants! Still don't get why the good ring enchants require 8 at rank 1. Enchanting has this absurd, almost catch-22 going on to get it past 75, and it's all because of crystals.
(If I really want Expulsom, I just ask my Tailoring stash to get to work.)
I ran Sea of shrines on mythic last night for the first time and it was pure cancer. Its probably the hardest something I came across yet. We wiped numerous times to Sea sage council fight but we finally got it down and I got a pair of 345 boots so I guess it was worth it. The trash is way harder than the most of the bosses imo and I would hate to do it on higher mythic. Fuck that place.
How is Kings rest? I hear that it can be difficult. Last boss has a 2 hander I need for my BDK.
I want to get a full set of either moon or sunfire traits and be able to one button my way to success.
Make sure you guys do the zand emissary today for the 340+ trinket