The alliance story was good, horde is meh. I play horde to hang out with my RL friends, I play alliance alts for the story. Horde story has always been ass though, troll-town story is about par. >;pZulul forever is a good story?
Ret is stupid right now. Stupid powerful that is. Which gives me hope that balance or feral will accidentally become powerful, but I know the reality is that they'll nurf one paladin ability into the subatomic floor and call it a day.
Is prot in a good place? I have hunter and bear at 120 and some decent enough ilvl so looking for my next class.For the first time in forever ret can switch targets and not be massively punished for it. It's wild. Honestly that's 90% of why it's so enjoyable now for me.
Still now currently the slowest class in the game though. I guess I'm okay with being slow when I hit really hard.
Demonic is the exact same as it was for Antorus except you don't get the memebeam cooldown. Momentum build is the exact same as it was in Emerald Nightmare. They basically didn't touch demon hunter at all.The story is good, the world is good, too bad about the terrible combat and progression systems. Worst feeling rotations since the cata combat changes. They ruined demon hunter, either you have to stare at the interface or you go demon blades and sit and watch your character play itself the whole damn time. The chaos cleave+antorus 4 piece+lego head and shoulders demonic nemesis build was perfect. It's like they have to fuck shit up with retard adhd interface complexity and too many buttons OR bore you to death with empty gcds. Everyone at Blizz is either a spaztic crack head or a fucking slow ass pothead/drunk, no normies allowed. You can get better gear farming bullshit trash in drustvar than doing any sub-heroic raiding. why even touch lfr or normal when all my gear was already 340-370 from that battlefront infinite repeat free loot dispenser last week? The systems are a fucking trainwreck, the art and music are nice though.
Sloot plays Prot paladin main and he's in one of the top world guilds. Don't let what anyone says fool you, they're in a good place. Very under representedIs prot in a good place? I have hunter and bear at 120 and some decent enough ilvl so looking for my next class.
Debating on which plate class, they are all at 110.
Demonic is the exact same as it was for Antorus except you don't get the memebeam cooldown. Momentum build is the exact same as it was in Emerald Nightmare. They basically didn't touch demon hunter at all.
Is prot in a good place? I have hunter and bear at 120 and some decent enough ilvl so looking for my next class.
Debating on which plate class, they are all at 110.
Well fuck. WoW token EU up to 250k from 175k and I even thought about stocking up a few days ago. FML.
Probably going to get the 6 month mount anyway because reasons.
Plus the expansion is 5 weeks old and I feel like I'm 6 weeks behind everyone else already.