Paladin isn't bad for numbers. Though it is slightly annoying devotion aura (20% flat dmg reduction when cooldown) doesn't count towards HPS so retards that only look at logs completely ignore that. But that's not really an issue, just a minor gripe. It's still very strong. It's a solid go-to especially for m+.
But I don't care how it performs, I'm fucking bored of holy and I'm extremely disappointed at what they did to the spec ever since prepatch. We didn't even lose all that much but it just feels like shit to play compared to like 3 months ago where it was very active and more then 2 of your spells were useful. (not counting blessings, although freedom being nerfed + mount being nerfed is also fucking DUMB)
I never thought I'd see the day where I enjoyed ret more than healing. You can ask people in FOH, I did nothing but complain about ret for like a year every time I had to play it, and I'd rather play this shit than heal until they decide what the fuck they want to do with the class.