Tranny Chaser
How does someone so damn ugly make that much?
"The Highly Proficient Asshole" is a classic Twitch archetype.
How does someone so damn ugly make that much?
You are clearly out of touch. Let's see your beautiful mug. No, wait, no thanks.How does someone so damn ugly make that much?
Get your fucking ugly face out of your videos and I could stomach them
You are clearly out of touch. Let's see your beautiful mug. No, wait, no thanks.
It's almost like asmongold and me are the same person
Considering we were only in beta for like 6 months vs legions year+ it's not really a surprise. I guess the offset of that is another 14 month raid tier that everyone hates. But at least the rest of Legion had something to offer.
I can picture you in a closed room with trash thrown about sipping on Dr. Pepper eating Twinkies.
Asmongold is dead on, "is it fun?" Doing world quest's for minimal gains isnt fun. Grinding rep for unlocking of races isnt fun. What is fun about this expansion, anything?
The fashion isnt great though this time around, sets for each type of armor and thats it. I stopped playing rather quickly this time, I was bored to tears, the game just didnt have the staying power for me that it did in the past.More transmog to chase maybe? Most MMO's these days tend to devolve into the endgame really being about fashion, and WoW is no different for the majority of the playerbase now. Playing just for mogs and mounts.