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It's so bad that unless it is changed in a meaningful way I will probably never play WoW again. That's no great loss for Blizzard, since I was always just a casual who dropped in every couple of years for a month or two during a new expansion. But I at least enjoyed those couple of months before moving on, leveling my toons in old content and just putzing around. But 7.3.5 took the fun factor out of leveling.
You say that, but you're not the minority. Most of the people on my friends list are not playing WoW right now and we all essentially do the same thing as you. Legion kept me subbed for over 6 months and I only stopped because of my own poor choices. BFA couldnt even keep me subbed for an entire month.
I like the scaling for level up for the aforementioned reasons, but I really have grown to dislike it at max level. I hate the lack of a feeling of power at max level. Going to some of the expansion leveling zones for mining, pet battles, world quests, etc. just becomes a slog when you feel only slightly more powerful than you did in the initial questing through. Granted, raiders who increase their ilvl quickly probably don't have this issue. However, for casuals like me who generally just increase ilvl along with LFR, you don't start feeling more powerful for quite a while after hitting max level.
To me, the adjustment needs to come from when you're in the zone. Each zone typically has a Story Line related to that particular zone and when its finished - I think that the scaling should stop at that point for your character personally. For example: You finish the story line in a zone at level 30, the content stays at 30. You finish that same zone at level 60 instead, and it stays at 60. I think it just makes sense.