so, I log in for the first time in like 3 weeks and all my addons are fucked. I mean like seriously fucked. I can't find the energy to get everything working again. Taking it as a sign that it's finally time, after 10 years, to move on. Feeling a bit sad but it's ok. I have my screenshots from pivotal moments I had in the game, just looking at them brings back memories, and that's good, I guess. Probably gonna record myself flying around Northend zones (the best zones of all time) and revisiting old raids and dungeons, reminiscing, until the sub runs out at the end of the year. Fuck, I just remembered that I still don't have the jousting achievement from the tournament grounds. I'll probably continue to skim thru mmo-c and subreddit once a week to see what's up and read about all the things that have gone to shit, have Preach vid running in the background and catch a stream when the WF race is on but that's about it. Maybe, if given a free week, log in.
Now I need to find a new addiction. I can't do another mmo, maybe PoE...