Keep doing your chores Uncle Blizz will give you that carrot as soon as you're done.
General Mythic Plus
- When originally designing Mythic dungeons for Bfa, the team added additional mechanics to trash on Mythic difficulty, but toned it down a bit further into the design process.
- The team strives to to make sure they're not doing anything that's going to play really poorly with Mythic Plus.
- The team learned from Legion that any mechanic involving damage ramping up over time has to have a soft cap for Mythic Plus or the fight becomes nearly impossible on Tyrannical.
- The team likes having rotating affixes each week to try and push people into different areas and different parts of content in a way that keeps it hopefully feeling a lot more fresh and interesting.
- The team likes variance, but if an affix or dungeon has too many outlying difficulty problems then they want to address those and bring them in line with the difficulty of other dungeons/affixes.
- It's actually a fixed list of hand-picked or hand-crafted affix combinations that come up every week.
- Fortified and Tyrannical are not being looked at for changes. Part of the problem these two affixes had was the seasonal affix Infested, which is going away. These issues will likely take care of themselves with its retirement.
- Reaping creatures don't gain Fortified themselves, but the way everything works is that the creature will spawn with half the health of the creature that dies, so in that regard it gets a small percentage of Fortified.
- Reaping enemies are only indirectly affected by affixes that alter the enemy trash's health amount. They do not gain damage bonuses or other effects.
- There are no immediate plans to allow people to delete their keys or swap for a new one, but the issue has been discussed among the team.
- Instead of giving players the option to delete keys, the team would rather bring the unpopular dungeons in line with the difficulty of the more popular ones.
- If your group doesn't have a key that you want to run, the ability to look for other keys in dungeon finder is an option.
And the very last comment... it's like the lead dungeon designer doesn't know how forming a group with friends/like minded people works. Just leave that group and use the dungeon finder to run with random players for a key you want!
Wasn't it obvious that at least half of these "designers" don't even play the game anymore?And the very last comment... it's like the lead dungeon designer doesn't know how forming a group with friends/like minded people works.
Been resisting the urge, hard to break a 15 year gaming hobby/habit though. Is the leveling experience and messing around with casual shit for a month worth the price? ie your first playthrough is at least somewhat fun like previous expansions? I don't give 2 shits about endgame or pvp anymore, which seems to be the parts people are unhappy with. Gotta find a way to scratch this MMO itch, feels like 2003 again.
Keep doing your chores Uncle Blizz will give you that carrot as soon as you're done.
It's still relatively good. But it's around 20 hours of storyline if you play both sides (which are very different this time), and then you hit the grind of World quests, Invasions, Island expeditions, dungeon running, etc. Add 10-15 hours to do a couple islands, all of the dungeons and then you hit the need to grind ilvls to even see the LFR wings or the reputation to finish the war campaign storyline...Been resisting the urge, hard to break a 15 year gaming hobby/habit though. Is the leveling experience and messing around with casual shit for a month worth the price? ie your first playthrough is at least somewhat fun like previous expansions? I don't give 2 shits about endgame or pvp anymore, which seems to be the parts people are unhappy with. Gotta find a way to scratch this MMO itch, feels like 2003 again.
Actually gave the free trial a try awhile ago, was pleasantly surprised, but holding out till the next sale since I'm a cheap fuck. Might just say screw it, and grab it all anyway.FF14 is proving to be a far more casual friendly/oriented game for me than WoW has since MoP. Endless shit to do and you don't have Blizzard's faggotry spewing a miasma all over everything.
That's what I like about it. I dont feel pressured into rushing to do anything like it was in WoW. Today I'm going to give a shot at Deltascape v1.0 since I finally opened it up. Can't wait for that.FF14 is proving to be a far more casual friendly/oriented game for me than WoW has since MoP. Endless shit to do and you don't have Blizzard's faggotry spewing a miasma all over everything.
FF14 definitely has downsides though, I really miss that fucking snappy GCD with the little click WoW has. Blizzard has like god tier UX people. Just too bad about the design people.